Chapter 15- Pyrrah

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SL: Due to life being life, we won't be able to publish on Friday, so you all get the chapters early! Back to normal on the 28th February.

It was two days on the boat: two days of Callum wishing he could fly, and two days of Rayla wishing she'd taken their offer to walk around. But finally, Villads and Berto announced there was land close by, and the trio gathered to watch as it came up over the horizon.

As it did however, something soared over the ship.

Callum quickly looked up at the sky and frowned. "Did anyone else feel that?"

"Feel what Callum?"

He stared up at the sky, his tail flicking by his leg. "I don't know... something." He watched the clouds for a while longer, trying to pinpoint what that feeling was.


Having made it to land, Rayla quickly got off, and hurried to get away from the water. She almost forgot to pull the hood of her cloak back up, and Callum somehow caught up to her and pulled it up before someone spotted. "Rayla! Horns!" he told her, then turned back. "Thank you Villads! And you too Berto."

"Aye, good luck on your travels!" Villads called, waving in the wrong direction until Berto corrected him.

As he climbed back onto the Ruthless and sailed back out to sea, Callum looked around the new town. "Not sure about you, but I fancy a hot meal."

"Oh yeah," Ez agreed as he put Bait on his shoulder, "A nice hot stew or a jelly tart!"

"Dunno about the tart, but there's an inn over there," Rayla noticed, "And a hot meal I'm not gonna throw up would be great."

"Come on then! We still have some gold left. Let's spend it!" Callum laughed as he led the way.

They entered the inn without being noticed too much. A few people turned to look at them, but then went back to their own business as the trio sat themselves in a corner. It was only a few minutes before a young man walked over to them.

"Welcome to The Calm Octopus. What can I get you?"

"Three nice, hot meals would be great please!" Ezran ordered, "And three glasses of water."

The man chuckled. "Just got off a boat I take it?"

"Yeah, it was... a long trip." Callum tried to smile. "Do you have a room open?"

"Yep, five gold for the night if you wanna stay?"

"Yes please."

"Alright me boy, I'll get you the key and yer food. Stay right there."

As the barman left, Rayla pulled down her scarf. "Callum, we still have a lot of..." she trailed off, worried someone might be listening. "We still have a long way to go. We might need some money."

"Rayla, relax. We're fine, honest." He patted his bag. "I got bored on the boat and counted it all, several times. It was relaxing. And we're fine."

She stared at him, then nodded. "Fine, I'll trust you. Money is...odd."

As they sat and waited for their meals, Callum began to look around the inn. Ezran wasn't bothered, too busy playing with Bait, and Rayla was trying not to draw attention to herself by scratching at a knot in the wood of the table. After a few minutes, a woman came over with three plates on her tray. "Right, so we got three hot stews? One for you, one for you... and one for you," she said, winking at Callum. "Got you an extra potato. Looks like you need to keep your strength up."

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