January, Tuseday

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Today at school everyone was stressed out because all week we were going to be doing STATE TESTING. State testing is the biggest and most important test in the state. It tests us on all subjects, and if we don't pass it this year we CAN'T go to high school.

Last year our school school did HORRIBLE on the state test. I think we were number 104 out of all the 500 ranks.

This year our school is trying to turn that around. Our school is threating teachers if a full class doesn't pass there subject for the state test, they'll have pay cuts, and some will get FIRED. So the teachers are just as stressed as us.

I think our Vice Principal Mr. Roy realized work wasn't getting done, so a general assembly was held before the test started.

Mr. Roy said that we shouldn't be "strain" over the state test and that we should be excited that were going to be tested on all the skills we learned through out the year.

A couple kids started booing but they were quickly cut off by Mr. Roy.

Then he pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a HERO POINT from back when our school handed them out from good behavior.

Mr. Roy said that it used to be a Hero Point, but now there bringing them back and calling them "Test Bucks."

He said a teacher could give you Test Bucks for paying attention to your test and you could turn a certain amount in during lunch for prizes such as stickers and glow in the dark note book. But the grand prize was any type of PIZZA from Papa Tony's being delivered to you in home room after testing was over for TEN THOUSAND Test Bucks.

Then he gave each student 10 Test Bucks to start out with. He then started to say that if you get a good score on your test, you'll get ONE THOUSAND Test Bucks.

He was saying some other stuff to, but you couldn't hear him because everyone started cheering and dancing because of the thought of pizza. Papa Tony's is the best pizza place in town and anyone would do ANYTHING to get some.

Eventually, the cheering became to much and Mr. Roy called secerity to escort everyone out of the auditorium.

Ok, so I was walking home from school and I saw a van parked in our driveway that's usually not there. I took a closer look and I realized it was The Pets Owner Association. I was cunfused since we don't own any pets, but later I would find out what was happening.

When I walked inside the house mom and one of the Pet Owners Association guys were kind of having a little argument while dad stepped back.

And do you want to guess what was in the guys hands? OUR OLD PIG. The one we thought we lost, and the one I honestly thought was DEAD.

Apparently, some guy saw our pig at the beach so he called up the Pet Owners Association. When they got there they saw the the pigs necless, and went to our house.

The guy said there are rules in the neighborhood that "strictly forbid wild animals of any kind unless they are service animals." The guy also mentioned that this kind of "act" is illegal, so he hit us with a 702 DOLLAR FINE.

There is NO way we could afford that, especially after all that failed home renovations we did recently.

Mom said we couldn't afford the fine, then the guy said we had the whole year to pay it off. But if it wasn't payed by December 31st, both mom and dad would be ARRESTED for refusing to pay there fine.

That's when the conversation ended and mom called a House Meeting.

Mom said now that we have this fine under our belts, we were going to have to save A LOT of money, and we were going to have to donate as much money as possible to make things work.

Mom told us not to worry though, because even though we have this whole fine thing, this will be a really fun year.

I mean I know I should be worried about this whole fine thing, but my one question is were was the pig this WHOLE time, and were was it going with the Pet Owners Association guys.

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