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So two things happened today, 1. The first edition of L'il Cutie 4 Skool came out today, and it's even WORSE than the  regular version.

 The first edition of L'il Cutie 4 Skool came out today, and it's even WORSE than the  regular version

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Now from reading this, I have a feeling the school is paying Tyler to make us good messages.

The second thing that happened was Rodrick got fired from Sweetopia. He hasn't gone to that place since the incident with him and dad so that should come as no surprise.

Anyways, since I no longer have a game system I've been going to Rowley's to get my gaming fix witch I would've done if I still had a system anyways since Rowley got the new DLC for the Underground Dimension World in Twisted Wizard 3. While me and Rowley were taking turns playing the the DLC, Mr. Jefferson unplugged the system mid way through.

Mr. Jefferson said for the past week all we've done at his house is play video games, and we need to be more "active." Then he dropped us outside.

I told Rowley we should just head over to my house for awhile, so that's what we did.

When we got home Löded Diper was in the basement practicing, because mom got Rodrick a new Drum Set from Dollar Tree.

Since I didn't have a game system we just watched TV for the rest of the day until it was time for Rowley to come home.

Diary of a wimpy kid: Crazy DaysWhere stories live. Discover now