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Well I got GOOD news, and I guess BAD news. The good news is we finally got to start our test, and I actually finished it. I do kinda feel a little shaky on it though.

The way the state test works is once you get a question right it gets harder. So my test started out with multiplication, but then I ended up doing Algebra. Witch I guess I'm SUPPOSED to know, but I really never got the hang of it.

I ended up getting 500 Test Bucks for focusing on my test, so I'm just waiting for my score at this point.

The BAD news is Rodrick STILL hasn't found a job. Dad's still saying if he doesn't find a job at the end of the week there will be CONSEQUENCES. So I guess he's serious about Rodrick paying his bill off himself.

Well today we had our first struggle of having to pay off a fine: Our BUGET.

Dad used his WHOLE paycheck from last week and put it in for the fine, and mom put a lot of money in to. The problem with all this is we don't have a lot of money for other things we need.

For dinner we didn't have enough money to make anything or to go out, even CORNY'S was to expensive for us. But dad had an idea, we could go to this place "$ave City."

$ave City is this really low budget restaurant that has really cheap food, witch is it's whole gimmick. It tries to make the restaurant and food look like a faimly restaurant, but all it does is make it look like a cheap imitation of Spriggo's.

But there wasn't really any other option, so we all decided to eat there.

Once we got there, it was just how I remembered it, a very low budget Spriggo's. A waiter came up to us and gave us a table.

The waiter gave us all menu's and then left while we ordered our food.

Everything was in our price range, with the most expensive thing being THREE BUCKS.

I figured I'd give the "Homemade Pizza" a go, so that's what I ordered. The only person who didn't get anything was MANNY, because he was going to get ice cream, witch wasn't fair at all. Plus, he was going to get the EXPENSIVE kind at Sweetopia.

When our food got here I was DISGUSTED. My cheese was yellow ish BROWN, the pepperoni was BURNET, and the tomato sauce was cold as ice!

I took a bite of the pizza and it tasted stail and like it was microwaveable. But I knew this was all I was gonna get for the night so I took a few more bites, until I saw LIVE BUGS in the sauce.

That's were I drew the line and stopped eating until everyone was done.

Mom called another House Meeting. She said she knew tonight wasn't "the best night" but we would have to make due intel this fine was payed off.

I just hope this fine gets payed off soon, because I'm TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY...

Diary of a wimpy kid: Crazy DaysWhere stories live. Discover now