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Today was the first "real" day of state testing since everyone got ESCORTED out of the school yesterday. We would do our tests in our first period class, for me that's Ms. Sherbert, my World Studies teacher.

Our class were the last ones to actually START testing, so we had a lot less time. The thing was, all students are taking this test, and we don't have enough laptops to give out to everyone, so we ended up with no laptops because they were all TAKEN.

Ms. Sherbert had to call Mr. Roy, who said we should use the computers in the library, witch was already a sign that this test was going to end up badly.

The computers in the library are SUPER OLD. To give you an idea of what I mean, they haven't been upgraded since dad was a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL.

Each of us got assigned a cumputer, I got cumputer 16-B, witch is in the middle. The cumputer was very dusty, and had a small cobweb on the top of it. The cumputer looked like it hasn't been used in YEARS, in fact, after being in this school for so long, I haven't seen ANYONE use the computers in the library.

When I turned on the cumputer, it had a yellow tint, and the screen was so dark, you could BARLEY see.

The cumputer only had four windows: "Kidz Safe Search," "Note Pad," "Math games FREE," and "State Test."

I clicked the State Test window, and it had a very OUTDATED version of the State Test website. It had a very outdated pink background, and it was asking me to call a "toll free" number to set up my account, and it had a BUNCH of other words I couldn't understand like "Modem" and "Internet connection."

I asked Ms. Sherbert what the deal was, and she said since the computers are super old they don't have the modern version of the test. So she had to call the company that ran the state test to set up a new account for everyone.

But the problem was that the version we were using was no longer supported by the company, so they couldn't make us account's.

Me and a bunch of other boys were SUPER excited, because we thought that ment we got to SKIP the first day of state testing. We gave each other hi fives, and patted each other on the back, but we celebrated to soon.

Ms. Sherbert asked our school librarian, Mrs. Hall what we were supposed to do. And she said we should just go back to class and continue our "normal lesson" while the school ordered more laptops for tomorrow.

So that was a big loss. But now if you were wondering why we were learning about the "foundation of Mesopotamia" instead of taking the state test like everyone else, now you know why. I just hope we don't lose any Test Bucks for this.

When I walked inside the house after school today Löded Diper and some guy I've never met before were about to walk out the door. I asked Rodrick what he was up to, and he said they were about to film a music video for one of there songs on there mixtape inside "Bullets Yard."

If you don't know what Bullets Yard is, it's this old abandoned house in the middle of the woods.

The reason it's called Bullets Yard is because there is this rumor that's been floating around since Rodrick was MY age.

The story goes that there was a couple who lived in the house for many years. But one night the husband went insane and STABBED the wife to death, and gave her body for the wolves to eat. The husband died years later of old age, and the house has been abandoned since.

The house started to rot, and no one would go near it.

When Rodrick was in middle school, a couple of kids said they were going to "explore" the house and they were going to bring  BB Guns to protect themselves.

Rumor has is that they shot a bullet at the house to see what would happen, and they were all KILLED by the ghosts of the husband and wife. People say the death can be found online, I'm not sure if that's true, but I wouldn't want to find out.

People haven't been to Bullets Yard since. I told Rodrick that it probably wasn't a good idea to do that, but he said that "Löded Diper wasn't afraid of anything" and he was going to do it anyways. I was perfectly fine with it, it wouldn't be my fault if he doesn't make it alive anyways.

Rodrick FINALLY came back from the music video shoot, after SIX HOURS of filming. The camera man said that the music video would cost ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, for the 4K quality, the fancy cars, the girls, the ketchup, the special affects, the fire the lit, the fireworks, and the fast food they ordered after the shoot.

So that's ANOTHER money thing we have to deal with. After Rodrick heard all that, Rodrick went straight to mom and dad who were chatting in the kitchen.

Believe it or not, mom was actually about to GIVE the money to Rodrick, but dad put a stop to that. Dad started yelling and went on a full rant on how all Rodrick cares about is sleeping and his "stupid" band and how he doesn't know the true value of money because "he doesn't grow up." He finished off by saying Rodrick was going to pay this off himself by getting a job.

Rodrick said he used to have a job, witch I guess was supposed to prove he has done something in his life or something.

Rodrick was taking about the job he had at Corny's Faimly-Style restaurant, witch he only had for a few months (witch is impressive for Rodrock) but he got fired after showing up to work late to many times.

Dad said he needed to find a new job, and if he didn't find one by the end of the week, there would be "serious consequences."

Dad even gave Rodrick the local newspaper and told him to look through the "For hire" section.

The thing with Rodrick is he has no job experience, and he hasn't done anything in his life that could be important, so this could be a LONG TERM project.

Diary of a wimpy kid: Crazy DaysWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt