Chapter 1. The Relationship

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Where could I possibly start? I guess the most suitable way is a proper introduction of I am. My name is Richard and I moved away to the East coast to study in Florida. I didn't leave much behind and my parents supported my choice. I didn't have a girlfriend either so I was bound to look for one in college.

A lot of people from Houston have family in Florida too. that was a little bit of a leverage when one of my friends told me about her cousin who could be a tour guide since we were going to the same college. I have to say, the life of traveling could have been a second choice. I love nature and the change we've brought to our planet in recent years has moved me to make my own changes.

Down in Florida, everything is so different. The people are more...weird and so violent. I had heard about the "Florida man" stories that have happened here. None of this would be even considered weird in Houston. This is on another level.
Anyways I made it to UCF, grabbed what I needed and I waited the girl by the plaza.

"I'm looking for Richard?"

"Yes that's me. Are you Victor's cousin?"

"Victor and I rarely speak but by blood, yeah he's my cousin."

"Sorry about that. Why don't you guys talk?"

"Come on, victor is a crook and he wants a thug life."

"Actually, victor is working at some bank last time I talked to him. He turned his life around so he could have a proper life."

The girl didn't say anything. She took a seat and I guess she waited for me to say something.

"Really? You got nothing else to say?"

"You're not the nicest Floridian I've met."

"Alright you can handle this on your own I'm helping you on my relax day and you want to talk to me like this?"

She stood up quickly and I grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry. Anyone who would have disrespected victor back in Houston, would have ended up in the hospital. I'm telling you, it took time but, he's a good person. I'm sure you are too since he did appraise you a lot."

She sat back down,"so why UCF out of all places?"

"Full scholarship granted. Hell I don't even know why I'm here really. I'm really a guy following the wind. I'm sorry what's your name?"

"Karla, pleased to meet you Richard."

"Likewise. So yeah I guess I'll finish the scholarship, look around and live here, if I don't like it I'll go back to Houston. Easy."

"Easy? Florida is not cheap. I hope you brought some cash because all the rules and regulations here aren't enough, they all have hefty prices to deal with."

"Thanks for the tip."

"So you have a dorm here too?"

"No my father let me pick out a place so I chose an area close to here."

"I wouldn't do that. Save your money, I could use a third roommate to pay for the apartment now. Help me help you."

"I don't know I just met you and I get the vibe you can't afford the apartments here? What's that say about the one I have now?"

"You're seriously rejecting and offer to stay in an apartment with 2 girls? I suggest you start looking at flights because florida, I don't think is the place for you, Richard."

I stared at her with a glare, "Alright I'll make a call. No funny business though."

"Please I'm too busy with my studies to make any moves on you and my roommate likes to keep to herself so you won't bother her either. Come on I'll show you around the campus then we can go to my apartment."

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