Chapter 11. The Future in person

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On our flight back home, we saw a large structure in the Gulf. Strange to say that it was just floating there with no one around but, there it was. The caretaker's coordinates. Before we left this morning from Houston, I received a text from him. He gave us the coordinates of an area in the gulf where something lies underneath. Looking at it now, I think it's where the caretaker lives. I could be wrong though.

We used a hydroplane that was in storage. The loading dock wasn't easy either. How come no one had found this place yet? Someone should have noticed from all the way up in the airlines flying by. How long had it been floating around too? It wasn't so much floating as it was strapped to the ocean floor.

"Come on let's go maya. The caretaker wants us here and I want to know why."

"I'm just a little nervous. What if the place is rigged to blow?"

"Doesn't seem like the caretaker is willing to kill us too. He tried to help us out."

The center of the rig descended with us. It was a small water proof pipe leading us to the underwater chambers.

"How deep are we going?"

"Not sure we've been going down for a while now."

Must have been around 6 minutes. The platform had music too, convenient! We lowered just enough for the sun light to be barely seen. Then, we entered the largest room in the area. Must be like a lobby.

"What do you think you'll find in here?"

"Answers about the goal of the Rift. What they intend to do maybe. Let's go look."

We wandered around for a few more minutes until we saw a podium in the middle of another room. Not as big as the way we cane in. Just one light to shine the podium and everything was dark around us. I touched the podium and turned on the lights all over. A dark screen showed, it was him again, The caretaker.

"Richard, welcome. Maya, welcome."

"You know me?"

"Of course. How can I forget my great great grandmother?"

"Who are you? Why are you the Caretaker? What is this place?"

"So many questions, so little time. So much to explain but, I don't have the proper lines."

"No more riddles. Who are you?"

His voice deepened and his dark aurora disappeared. It was just a blank screen now.

"I am the future you create, the sons and daughters you'll bear. One will come, many will fall. I am who I say I am. My name is the caretaker, a messenger from the future."

The screen lightened up. We saw an old old man. He was covered in wrinkles and his hair was long and gray. His left eye wasn't normal though, it almost looked robotic. The metal piece on his neck flashing with much pace.

"As you can see, my time is almost up. Good thing you've arrived. I have information for you. I understand that if I show you this, I could delay or alter my future. But, since I'm still here and the light keeps flashing, I'm thinking the future never changes."

"What's the message?"

"War will come. Then, extinction just enough enough to almost kill humanity. Afterwards is where I'm from. The empire."

"What's the empire?"

"The empire is vast rock in space. Large enough to carry what remains of earth, to another planet. In the year 2260."

"Wow ok you traveled far. It's only 2019."

"Focus! I was sent here to tell you both one thing; Don't interfere. Just go and live out your normal lives as you've always done. The future has shown us that eventually, your family and Jasmine's will eventually branch on, creating the one. Unfortunately thats all I can tell you as we've scripted every word so it doesn't mess with the timeline too much. You have 2 questions to use."

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