Chapter 13. The story of The Rift

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Imagine you're walking along a jungle. On an exploration to find ancient treasures. This would be more familiar in a video game called Minecraft but let's stick with the scenario in real life. When you are walking, you don't pay much attention to what is below your feet. This could lead you in trouble.

As you make the next step, a hole in the earth appears. The leaves and branches around all fall as well. It's not a hole, it's a revine. A crack in the earth where there an ecosystem growing inside the earth. You take a look around the revine to see if anyone else is near by.

Your attention drifts away to the tiny spiders who have made a web on top of the revine. The spider webs are being held by both sides of the revine using the trees. The webs are thick and strong enough to capture bugs. The carcasses lie on the web forgotten. The spiders wait for the next meal.

A butterfly emerges from the revine and flies into the web. It can't come down or escape. The spiders draw close to surround the butterfly. Dinner is served for the hunters.

This is what The Rift is, they are everything in this scenario. The revine, the ecosystem of the revine, the spiders, and the bugs. They all depend on one another. The bring balance to the forest and life too. They could also bring chaos to those who don't respect it.

A revine could be just a crack on the earth one day, and a giant sinkhole the next. This all depends on the seasons and the earth itself. Earthquakes and constant raining could destabilize the top of the revine, making the ground unfit at the top for walking.

How is that related to The Rift? The smallest of actions have the largest of consequences. The greatest of choices require the strongest of wills. This is why The Rift patrols in secret all of the human actions around the world. To make sure there is a balance that can never be tampered with.

As discussed before, there are 16 families that are the Spiders of The Rift. They aren't the wealthiest but, the have a dedication for the greater good of humanity. The are the founders, creators, providers, anything to make sure The Rift does its work as well as make sure they always remain in secret.

16 families, 3 million agents, and one planet full of abundant life to take care of. This is The Rift.

"You guys didn't have to come pick us up," I told Jasmine.

"Nonsense! It's our pleasure to help you guys. Besides I needed to learn what's to come if I do plan on the natural birth," said my sister

"Don't do it. I'm still in pain. Save your vagina and take the fucking C-section."

"She's been very moody. But at least baby Lizzie is sound asleep."

"Shall we go home?" Asked James

"Yeah let's go." I told them

We loaded Baby Lizzie to the back of an SUV. Then, Maya still needed help walking. Afterwards we all got in.

"10 hours of piercing pain. I'm not having another kid in a while. I blame you Richard."

"What I do?"

"You didn't pull out!"

"Shh! Baby's sleeping!"

We drove back home. I had to say, the life of having no work, no finance troubles, and no debt? I could get used to it. We thought about homeschooling baby lizzie until she goes to middle school. Our area for location wasn't quite convenient for traveling much.

"So what's next?"

"Well baby Lizzie grows up and we stay away from civilization, just as the future told us to do."

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