Chapter. 10 Answers from the creators

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I cut off everyone else's rope ties. The last one was my sister and when I finished cutting, she pinned me to the ground.

"Careful not to get fucked by him."

"I'm his sister...gross. Why are you going to kill them? Please explain it to me."

"Simple. As far as we know, only our family is going to start this tradition of killing. Do we have any evidence of other 16 families doing the same thing? No so it's better to cut off the head of the snake before it bites."

"Yes but Richard-"

"OUR own mother just admitted that she's willing to kill us just to save The Rift and that doesn't bother you?! The two of them have plans after plans they have to be stopped they're too dangerous!"

"I don't think your head is on straight. Killing someone is never the answer. They're only dangerous because they believe that their positions of their work also apply to us. It doesn't."

"Jasmine listen to yourself! The very woman who gave birth to you, fed you, and gave you a home, wants to kill you! We know what she wants so why not fight back!"

"She's our mom and I love her!"

"Well I did too but she made up her mind. Our family doesn't matter to both of them, even if they created us."

Hunter stepped in, "maybe you don't have to kill them," everyone looked at him.

"The deal is that all our lives have led to some exposing of The Rift. So this is it, no one else knows that this group exists. I say it's a no brainer. Let them step down from their position and you two take over. What's so bad about that? Everyone lives."

"Yeah ok hunter but why tells us all the details of the plan except to motivate us into making one of the two choices? Why say you'll kill your children for it?"

Hunter didn't have an answer to that. No one did. Jasmine got off me and we sat together on the floor like before.

"I'll take over. I'll try and find a way to make sure you and your girlfriend never get involved in this."

"But what about James?"

"James will be my husband but even he isn't happy where he works. Seems like a big boost to me. If they're really in control of whatever happens to the world, I'm sure I can maybe buy you guys out."

Karla stepped in this time, "you can't be bought out and you can't have only one sibling. It has to be two that's the deal for the risk of all our lives."

"Last time I checked Karla, you're a prisoner, a traitor, a coward, and piece of shit. Who said I'll do anything to keep you alive?"

Karla leaned in so close to my face, I could see the bra she wore underneath. I tried to face up at her, "take the deal and I won't kill you myself, don't take the deal and I'll kill you got it?"

I spat on her face and she lashed out in anger. Everyone stepped in to stop her. Hunter was the strongest so he pinned her to the other opposite of the wall.

"Enough! If we were back in Florida I would arrest you again kid. Now calm the fuck down!"

"Why would the guards even be here?" Asked maya.

Caty answered that for her, "because even though it's a choice for both of them, they both have one thing in common, they don't have kids yet so the killing can be done easily."

"Now I do regret being pregnant."

Caty and Karla looked at maya, "you're pregnant?!"

I got smacked on the back of my head by Jasmine, "what happened to our promise?!"

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