Chapter 8. The story of Victor

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"You think you're pregnant? How does a girl think they're pregnant?"

"I've been having some nasty morning sickness. I've been dizzy for the past 3 days it doesn't go away. My hunger comes and goes like hits to the gut."

I let out a sigh. I didn't know what to say anymore. I was feeling happy though.


"Yeah yeah just thinking."

"Well tell me how you feel about this? Please?"

I stood up and hugged Maya, "I'm gonna be a dad?"

"Maybe don't get your hopes up. Let's wait until the morning."

I couldn't sleep that night. It was almost time for hunter to leave the parking lot. 11:35 pm and Maya was already asleep. She knocks out quickly even when we don't have sex.

Then it happened again but only once this time. A slam to the door and some fighting in the hallway. I woke Maya up, "hey! Hunter got him! Let's go."

"I'll be there in a sec."

I ran to the door and opened it. Hunter did it, he handcuffed victor.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise victor? Meet office Hunter. We've been waiting for you. Wait he doesn't look too good."

"Richard shut up and listen! We knew hunter was here, I have the riddle but my time is almost up. The master becomes stressed. The student becomes the teacher. This is your final test!"

Victor started spazzing out on the floor. His breath was shortening and he broke out in hives.

"Where's your epi pen?! Victor!"

I searched him with the help of hunter. He didn't have his epi pen...he was only sent here as messenger.

"Victor! Don't do this! Call someone hunter!"

Hunter stood up and called his department as well as an ambulance. He was already breathing too hard though. He took his poison and timed his own death. The ambulance didn't save him.

I picked up his head and laid it on my lap as his movement slowed down. He threw up all over the door but I didn't care. My best friend was slowly dying even though he was here to kill me.

Maya didn't say a word she was stunned by the actions of victor. The ambulance pulled up but it was too late. 15 minutes is all you need. He timed it just right. I felt the pulse of his neck slowly going away, until I did.


I held his head close, not letting the first responders do their work. They knew he was dead too. Then the officers came to pull me up so the paramedics could take him at least. I was in tears though, my best friend, my brother, came to die in my arms tonight.

This is the story of Victor, a short one.

Victor had a happy family whose parents and mine worked for the same private company. Victor was the youngest of 2 others. His siblings lived in other states. Victor became a troubled child around 14, he sold drugs just to his own benefit. By 15, he had impregnated his girlfriend who left him. She moved away and he never saw his kid. By 16, victor dropped out of school due to his lack of grades, attendance, bad behavior, and constant trouble with the guards.

He got arrested for beating up a cop and almost killing him. It was I who stopped him just in time. I kept an eye on victor for so many years, trying give him space as he grew up. I should have been there more often.

When he turned 18, he was let go. Just as quick as he came out, he started selling again. I still tried to be friends with him but he put me to the test. One day, he invited me over to this club. There was a private room for him and his other "friends."

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