Chapter 9. Jasmine and Richard

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"So what's your sister like?" Asked Maya.

"I love my little sister. I don't like the guys she dates but it's not my call. She can be cunning, violent, but smart and mischievous. Aside from that, I can't say much other than she and I lost contact back in high school. I graduated and she was still studying."

"Alright that's not too bad! I want to meet her."

"We will. She lives not too far from this house but she will come visit us."

The plane landed in Houston. We came out to a surprise. Braxton was waiting for us with 4 of my dad's guards. This is new, usually it's just him. Something is off here.

"Master Richards! Welcome home! I see you've been busy in Florida."

Braxton was born in England and emigrated here. He's been my dad's friend for a long time.

"Braxton good to see you, sir. How have you been?"

"Quite Marvelous master Richard. Shall we get going?"

"Yeah let's go."

In the car ride, I gave Braxton a unique way to use Morse code in secret. We use our index finger and our middle finger. The middle finger represents a dot and the middle finger represents a dash. We were sitting in the back seat. Maya was in another car and hunter was in a third car.

The trick of the fingers is to lay your hand on your lap, point your fingers up to start a conversation, and then use the Morse code. So that's what I did with him.

I asked him, ".-- .... .- - ... --. --- .. -. --. --- -. ··--··," which means, " what's going on?"

He replied, " . -.-- . ... ..-. .-. --- -. - ·-·-·- ..-. .- -- .. .-.. -.-- - .-. --- ..- -... .-.. . ·-·-·- ... .. ... - . .-. -.- .. -.. -. .- .--. .--. . -.. ·-·-·-," which means, "eyes front. Family trouble. Sister kidnapped."

We stopped the Morse code after that and continued in normal English.

"So how's my father been?"

"Actually your father has been having some decent free time. It's amazing! I had never seen him stress free before."

"What about my mother?"

"Lovely woman with the bite of a snake."

"Yeah that pretty much sounds right too."

We arrived at the home next to lake Houston. There were 3 more cars here. All of my dad's guards were with us so who else was here? I didn't recognize any of the cars. We were escorted inside the house. Hunter slid one of his guns on my hand and I hid inside my pants.

The guards entered first and us second. Everything seemed normal except for my sister having 2 more guards on her. I guess he hired more mercs.

"Richard! Hey I haven't seen you in a while."

"Jasmine it's good to see you too. How's James doing?"

"He's alright. I see you have company?"

"Oh right yes sorry this is girlfriend, Maya and this is our friend, Hunter."

"Pleasure to meet you little Lady."

"Richard hasn't mentioned you yet but I guess this is a good a time as ever."

"Really wow? Thank you big bro."

"I was getting to it! Braxton why are we here? Where mother and father?"

"Oh they've been here sir. You just can't see them."

All the guards dropped us to the ground and knocked us out with some sedative injections.

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