Chapter Thirteen

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        My eyes opened slowly. It was tiring just to do that. Such a simple action, yet it proved so difficult in the moment. The light above me was glaringly bright, causing me to close them once more. And I had just escaped the darkness. Why throw myself so willingly back into it? I was stronger than that, wasn't I?

        I tried again. This time I forced them to stay open, no matter how much it hurt. Gosh, I was so tired. My throat was dry. I couldn't seem to swallow. My skull was pounding, and I couldn't tell if it was from the lights, my hunger, or both. I was struggling to remember what had happened before I'd woken up. Where was I even?

        This wasn't my bedroom. There were no purple blankets beneath me. In fact, there was nothing but silk sheets. They weren't even a fancy color or shiny in true Asgardian fashion. Suddenly, the room seemed to shrink as I noticed that it was only the size of about two closets. Compared to the grandeur of every place I'd been, it was frightening. Seriously, where was I?

        The wall across from me slid open. So, that was the door. I had been wondering if there was any way to escape what felt like a prison. Odin came in, dressed in his usual regal attire, cloak trailing behind him. Hadn't I seen him earlier? He'd been yelling something at me, but I hadn't heard him. A sharp pang echoed through my head.

         "I see you've woken up." He dragged over a chair. Why was everything white? I hadn't even noticed the seat had been there since it'd blended in with the rest of the room. "It's been a week."

        A week? What could have possibly made me sleep for— Oh. It all came rushing back to me. The voice, the box, my hands, the huge flippin' robot. I was surprised that a blow from such a hunk of metal didn't kill me on impact. 

        I reached up to touch my face. "How am I. . ."

        "Alive? We have one of the best healers in the Nine Realms. Eir treated your wounds accordingly. She didn't expect you to be out for so long, however."

        "Can I ask why I was attacked by a Transformer? I mean, the design was horrendous, it could seriously use a glow up, but what the heck was that about?"

        "You and your Midgardian antics. The reason the Destroyer, as that robot is called, knocked you out was because I commanded it to. You were in my vault, which is heavily guarded for a reason."

        I chuckled. "Evidently, it's not guarded well if I managed to slip through their defenses. But, what was that thing I was holding onto?" My thoughts went back to my moment of panic as the bluish tinge ran up my arms.

        "It would be for the best if I kept that information secret. In fact, you should keep this whole ordeal to yourself. The fewer people who know about it, the better." He stood as though by him saying that everything was final.

        "My hands turned blue! That's not normal! There must be something your not telling me. Please, I just want to know what happened. Why was the box calling me to it? Why did any of that happen?"

        All he gave me was a sad look. Nothing. No clues, no hints, no explanation for the insanity I'd gone through. Odin was planning on leaving me in the dark, without even the slightest idea of what that meant.

        "Tell me!" I yelled.

        He turned away, refusing to answer, and left from whence he came. I stared at the door, wondering if anyone would enter; if anyone cared enough to just give me consolation. But they never opened, and no one came. So, it was then when I knew that there was something wrong with me, and I was helplessly and utterly alone.

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