Chapter Fifteen

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        "You don't understand," I begged as two guards grabbed me by the wrists, forcing me into the hallway. "You've got the wrong person. Malekith is the one you should be going after. He and the Kursed, not me. This isn't my fault!"

        The Einherjar had placed one hand on my back to push me forward, and one around my hand to restrain me. They didn't seem to realize that I wasn't exactly of the size to free myself from their grasp and that at the same time, what they were doing was absolutely foolish. We continued moving further from Frigga's chambers. I needed to be back there. I couldn't just leave her, not now.

        "We're only following our orders," one of the men said. "Odin has declared you a traitor to the throne. You are dangerous and not to be trusted."

        "Are you honestly going to bring me to the dungeons knowing that a Dark Elf ship literally has wedged itself into the castle? That's your first clue that this has nothing to do with me. Weren't you guys there for the fight? The bad guys have escaped. They're threatening a war."

        "The All-Father's words hold more weight, child. Who's to say you weren't the one who brought them here?"

        I squirmed in their grasp. "Who's to say? How about me? I'm here to remind you that I came from Midgard with no freakin' clue as to how any of this nonsense works. You expect me to have communed with another race and given them access to Asgard." A nervous laugh escaped my lips. "You people are insane. I mean, I thought the glitter and gold were enough to showcase your lunacy, but this? This is a new level of crazy."

        The other guard spoke up. "Says the murderer."

        Wriggling some more, I noticed we were at the staircase to the depths of the palace. I didn't want to go down there again. Not after seeing some of the prisoners who lived there. Nu-uh. Not going to happen. Then again, I didn't have much of a choice. I was being forced to descend the steps anyway, and I didn't exactly feel like being rolled down them. Dear God, I hoped they wouldn't tuck me so far down that they forgot about me. They wouldn't forget about me, right?

        "I didn't do anything!" I started screaming at the top of my lungs, kicking my legs as they dragged me. "It wasn't me, I swear! Please, you don't understand! Please."

        "Here we are. Your new home." As one of the guards lowered the force field, the other shoved me into the cell, causing me to trip onto my knees. That was certainly going to hurt later.

        Another voice echoed through the room. "What is the meaning of this?"

        I knew who that was. We'd had plenty of conversations during my time here. Well, at least until I resigned from all discussions. Glancing up, my suspicions were confirmed. My prison mate was none other than the God of Mischief himself, Loki. He'd placed himself right in front of the orange barrier which, had been drawn back up. His hands clasped behind his back, standing as straight as a board. He certainly was intimidating.

        The guard working the controls chuckled. "You, Loki, get to spend your eternal sentence with a murderer. That seems fitting, does it not?"

        "Who, precisely, did she kill? She doesn't really seem the sort for the kind of thing." He'd whispered, but that didn't stop me from hearing. I'd become a master at listening in on conversations, especially when people didn't want me to. Why had he said that, though? I'd told him about my little incident back on Earth, so why was he acting like that'd never happened? Was he trying to help me out?

        "The Queen."

        I noticed that Loki's whole body tensed then, his hands clenching into fists. The two Einherjar left, amused at what they'd just done. I don't think they realized just how dangerous of a position they'd put me in. This action, whether a lie or not, would not be easily forgiven.

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