Chapter 1: My...What~!?!

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" Ah i see you have met my son~!" mewtwo said floating down

" YOUR WHAT~?!" misty said

"Stupid humans....." mewtwo said

" hey~! That's my friend your talking about~!" ash yelled

" really belive that don't you....?' mewtwo asked

" what you mean?" ash asked

" you really ....know who your father is.....?" mewtwo asked

" my...WHAT?!" ash yelled

" oh please don't tell me that human~! didn't teach you anything about reproduction~!" mewtwo said

" what no~! Of course she did! what about my dad why does it matter to you~!" ash asked

"......who did she say was your father......" mewtwo said

" my father died in....a fire at a lab....before i was born he was a professer....studying pokemon biology....." ash said

".......she lied......" mewtwo said

" what? what do you mean she lied?" misty yelled

" i mean that's not who your father was...and he is not dead...."mewtwos aid to ash ingoring misty....

" how do you know~?!" ash yelled " you never even met him!" 

" i know him......because i am HIM~!" mewtwo said 

"...WHAT~?!" ash screamed

" your crazy~! That kid looks nothing like you~!" corey said

" quiet human....and he is my son.....' mewtwo said

" prove it!' brock yelled

" i do not need to prove anything, i erased his memories to keep him safe! and hidden with that human until the time was right~! all i have to do, is unlock them....." mewtwo said as his eyes glowed....

ash tried to run away from him....but was caught and was lifted up in the air....

"ASH~!" misty yelled

but ash couldn't hear, anything except a small buzzing sound.... suddenly the buzzing sound stopped as...memories flooded back in.......

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