Karma Ending~!

161 1 3

* leave farther* ( slected)

ash stood there, he sighed and turned around and began walking his dad called out his name, but ash didn't look back,

he was mad at his dad, but he still loved him, however for hima nd his siblings it was best that they left him, maybe one day he would get the help he needed but ash couldn't risk getting hurt by his unstable farther.

as ash walked out of new island and flew away he felt a sense of reilef, he was away from that hell, and he would never have to endure that again,  ash though about the people who had died at the hands of his farther, it turns out his dad had made graves for all of them

He knew it sucked to be all alone but, his dad did that to him, maybe now, his dad might a learn a thing or to. ash struggled with freeing his silblings but eventually they moved on to heaven. ash visted their graves every day,

ash stayed in side a moutain area with all the cloned pokemon as he led them, he felt as if farther should be here, but he remebered his farther's unstablitly perhaps one day,

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