Chapter 22: ash's nightmare~!

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( the music is vampire dolls...couldn't get the link to work.....) ( pic nor music is mine)

that night when ash went to sleep he woke to a flower bed.....and then heard it.....the music.....that he had herd in his nightmares........that carnival sound....but it wasn't that at all it was far more darker.... he then saw him his farther....he know it was began to walk towards him....ash turned and began to flee as fast as he could as he ran the music went faster faster faster faster faster and faster.....his heart thumped in his chest

Thump thump thump thump thump thump~!

sweat trickled down ash's forehead as he ran.....

a terrfied look on his face....

then it grabbed his leg....ash lead out a blood curling scream as he began to kick see his farther's face

" you shouldn't have ran from me.....' mewtwo said

" no....let me go...LET ME GO~!!!!!!!!!!!!' ash screamed

the music once again speed up faster and faster  and faster.......the world spun around......him.... faster and faster the music went.....ash felt like he was going to throw a wave of dizznes came over him.....

ash kicked his farther in the chest and unsure of himself stood up and ran once again....his farther chasing the castle came into view

the music again went faster and faster...... that horrid music oh how he loathed it!

faster and faster the music went.....

ash then saw his siblings.....standing there as dolls.....ash tried to save them but fell through a hole as the music speed up more and he fell deeper and deeper down ......

faster and faster the music went~!


he then saw masks of people....before seeing his farther standing over him

" you shouldn't have fled from me......" mewtwo said

ash tried to scream but couldn't

the music went faster and faster...... soil began to cover his the music speed up more and more and more more more more and more and more.....faster faster faster.....till that's all he could hear......

soon his was covered in soil.....and he couldn't see a thing

then the music speed up more and more and more.....he was running out of AIR~!

faster and faster the music went ~!

" 1 2 3 4, 1234 , 1234, 1234" the beats went as the slowed for a bit... ash's eyes began to close as the music speed up again.......faster and faster......tears ran down his eyes.....

" some one anyone help me....." ash said even though he couldn't talk

faster and faster the music went faster and faster........

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!" ash screamed bolting awake.....

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