Chapter 21: I must find a way to stop this~!

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( if you can't listen to it....the song is called SKIP TURN STEP . lyrics are mine just tried to match it to the beat only...i just like how Japinise music sounds.....)

" oh this feeling.......this dreadful i wish it would end.....

the horror that farther has committed goes against nature's laws......

it saddens me so.....

he must be stopped......

for the sake of all the lives, he's destroyed through, his desire......

i must find away to stop this!

before the chiming clock strikes midnight.......

and before time has ran for me......

for sake of my siblings......

i will not stop,.........

until farther......

i will not stop until farther repents for his sin,...he has committed~!

oh mirror....oh mirror.....why do you show me that face....the face of my sister.....and why is farther smiling with me?

what day was this? or is it....a memory....from  someone else's......mind?

could it be?

that he can be saved?

can it be there is a way to fix everything?

can it also be true that farther cares for me?

is it to late to flee?

should i try to hide away?

or should i just flee from this nightmare?

this horrid nightmare....

i wish mother was here with me~

i wish i knew what to do~!

i wish farther would stop these crimes~!

these horrid crimes~!

oh mirror tell me why?

should i feel that farther is good?

could he truly be good?

or he is evil?

did he do this for our happiness? 

or did he do it for his happiness?

i must find a way to stop this~!

oh why?

oh why?

oh why?" ash sang

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