Chapter 33: Father's Insainty~!

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ash ran with the woman as mewtwo chased them, ash they watch in horror as his dad straight up murder.....the woman in front of him.......ash then hid

" come out, come out where ever you are!" mewtwo sang

ash bit his lip and held his breath.......he waited till his dad left before falling into his dad's study to see a painting of red.....

" oh my god, my dad's insaine....." ash said

ash wandered the study till he found a hidden door that led right to his rooms.....the vents.....his dad knew the whole time.........he had opened the vents....he wanted ash to see all of this........ he wanted ash to run? but why? he determind to keep him here, but at the same time wants him to leave. god why couldn't his dad make up his mind, does he love him or not. that 's when he got his ansewr.......his dad's diary........ ash opened it........and gasped

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