Best Ending~!

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* save farther and siblings* ( slected)

ash walked over to his sobbing mess of a farther.

" hey dad." ash said

" you called me........" metwwo mumbled

" yeah i did dad,  come on. let's go, you need help let us help." ash said

" yeah." red said as everyone else appeared

" o-okay....." mewtwo said

2 months latter~

It had been a tough 2 months but ash's dad was finally getting help......even though ash's siblings were in dolls, they weren't anymore, now they were freed from them and could go to heaven.

ash and his dad moved out of new island.....mewtwo latter destroyed that place....

they moved to a moutian with all the cloned pokemon,

ash still had nightmares from his past, but with his dad making an effort. ash smiled knowing the future, was looking bright for him!

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