Chapter 40: it's time to end this.

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ash stood up on shakly legs

" no matter what, it's time to end your madness." ash yelled

that's when sabrina began to glow as did all of ash's siblings

" w-what?!" king said as he began to glow

" it's time for you to pay the price king." ash said

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" king screamed as he was ripped from mewtwo.........

once king was out of mewtwo's body........ash with the help of his siblings killed king..........and sent him to hell.

when mewtwo woke up he saw a lot of dolls, ash who looked more like him, and less human like. Standing there.........

"..............." ash said

" what, what happened?" mewtwo asked

" besides you turing us into dolls, killing most of humanity, trying to have sex with ash, trying to drug ash, and succeding......nothing." red said

"..........." ash said

"oh my, god........" mewtwo said

" ..........." ash said

" i'm so sorry i didn't mean for this to happen........" mewtwo cried

ash stood there he had many choices, he could do

* kill farther*

* leave farther*

* hug farther*

* let hate out at farther*

*absorb farther*

* save farther and siblings*

* kill farther and siblings*

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