Chapter 32: Father's Madness~!

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ash gulped when he heard his dad walk in, he though for sure he had been discovered, yet when mewtwo walked in, he was holding. oh no........oh shit! he needed to run! his dad was holding a needle filled with something and he did not want to know, what that was!

ash jumped out of bed and ran as fast as he could.....down  the halls his dad in pursuit, ash made a fast turn and hide under a bookself hoping his dad would walk by......and wouldn't see him.......

mewtwo walked by and saw ash, " there you are" he said

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!" ash screamed as he ran down a hall.

" whyare you runnning it's just a flu shot! " mewtwo said with acrazy look in his eyes said

" No it's noT!" ash screamed running far away........... he then hid under his dad's bed....mewtwo walked in but couldn't see him, until he shot ash in the neck from behind..........ash blacked out........the last thing he saw.........was a n-no no no N-o No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!

then nothing, cold nothingness , then warmth he woke up on a cot......he tried to move but he couldn't.........that was until a woman came in and untided him.....from the cot

" quickly.....this way~!" the woman said ash gave a nod and followed her........

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