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It's been a week since I've started tutoring Billie. We exchanged numbers the day we sat in the music room. 

"Hello, seniors." My history teacher, Mr. Johnson, greeted us and sat on the teacher's desk. "Okay, so I've been thinking about giving you guys a chance to make a presentation about whatever time you what, You choose." He said and my face immediately lit up. "And you get to choose your partner." He smiled at us and i directly looked over at Billie who looked like she didn't care. 

"Bil" I call and she looks at me. "Be my partner" I tell her and she jerks her head, telling me to come sit with her, and I do. "I have a good time to present about!" I say excitedly and she just gives me the usual Billie look. Oh, and she also put back her mask. "Christian the 7th of Denmark" I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "He was married to Caroline Matilda pf Great Britain, but never showed her love and she ended up having an affair with the king's personal doctor." 

She just kept staring at me. "She fell in love with the German doctor Johann Friedrich Struensee who was the king's personal doctor. He showed her the love the king never did but ended up getting caught and executed." She finally found interest in the theme and sat up straight, making me laugh. 

"What an interesting love story." She leaned her head on her hand and looked at me while wiggling her eyebrows playfully. "I know. I read about it and watched a movie about this time and almost melted from how romantic that story was." I put my hand where my heart is and looked up, acting like i was in love. 

She giggled and we ended up reading about the time a lot on the internet before the period was over.


Instead of tutoring Billie on math, we ended up talking and reading more about king Christian VII of Denmark. "Goddamn this love story is kind of touching." Billie said while taking off her mask and pulling down her hood, revealing her soft dark blue hair. I can't help but stare at her in complete awe. She's so gorgeous. "Stop staring like it's the first time you see another human." She smirked and i snapped out if it immediately. "S-sorry. I'm not used to seeing your face." I lazily smile at her. 

"Well, get used to it." She says. "I actually wish Struensee and Caroline ran away while they could. They were so in love!" I pout and rest my chin on my hand. "Well, he did everything to make her feel loved, so that's enough for her i guess." Billie says and i sit up straight, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "She was really devastated when she found out that he was gonna get executed!" I raise my voice at Billie who laughed at how seriously i took this theme.

"Well, nobody told him to be stupid and fuck her." She said. "He loved her! And she was lonely. The king was schizophrenic and childish. He never made love with the queen because he loved her, he was horny. He fucked every other woman but not her because she 'wasn't attractive' !"

"You sound stupid" Billie says. "And you sound like you've never been in love" I huff. "Maybe because i haven't." She rolls her eyes. Oh.

"Well....don't go around judging other people's love life if you haven't had one yourself." I cross my arms and look down. "You should get a love life." I say angrily but fail at sounding serious, 'cause she let out a chuckle. Her hand went to my chin and raised my head to look at her. "What if i didn't want one?" She looked me deep in the eyes and my breath hitched. Her eyes.

I couldn't answer. All the words were stuck in my throat. She intimates me in many ways that make me melt. I can't be saying that i'm starting to like her.. 

No, no i don't like her. She needs a friend, not a lover. 

"Why wouldn't you want to fall in love?" I finally got out. 

"Love, mamas, is for fools. Fools who put their hearts into a relationship only to get crushed a while later." I swear her face was inches away from mine. The way she was looking me in the eyes made my already red cheeks heat up and become more red. Yes, my cheeks are naturally red. I couldn't reply or say anything back. She had a point, but one thing i learned from my parents was to never put my whole heart into a relationship if the other one doesn't show the same amount of affection. I just kept staring at Billie's dreamy blue eyes, unable to look away.

She finally let go of my chin and sat back where she was. I'm not gonna lie, i'm always nervous or anxious around Billie. I don't know what it is, but her intimidating 'give no fucks' personality has drawn me to her. No to mention how beautiful she is. I sometimes feel the urge to hug her but i'm too scared to do so. 

"Luna" She snapped her finger and i snapped out of my thoughts again. "Stop zoning out when you look at me" She says and i apologize.


We had enough of history and went to the basement where we had all sorts of things like a PS4, Wii, XBox, a piano, a big ass mattress and a LOT of blankets with pillows and a ping pong table. "Holy shit this place is huge!"Billie says looks around. "My brother and I get bored most of the time so my parents made this." I say and turn on the Wii. Billie sat on the big mattress and looked around again. "Wanna play some Mario Kart?" I ask and looked at her with a devious smile. "Get ready to get your ass beat." She smiled mischievously and took the remote and turned it on.


"WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW!" I yell as Billie won of the 5th time. We moved the mattress closer to the big TV so we could be comfortable while playing. "Told you to get ready to get your ass beat." She laughed and i looked at her angrily. "You're cheating!" I yell. "How would i cheat in a game of Mario Kart?" She asks and i attack her with one of the red pillows before she picked one up and attacked me too. I ended up grabbing her pillow and threw it across the room, pushing her on her back and put my knee on her chest. 

"Apologize for cheating or i'll execute you" I say

"With what? Your knee?" She bursts out laughing really loudly, making me smile at giggle, but i put on my "angry" poker face on. "I'm serious! You kept throwing the fucking banana skins on me and won!" I yell and she just looks at me with a devious smile ,she didn't answer or do anything. "That's what i thought" Before i could get off her, she slowly started bringing up her arms before turning us around, making me lay on my back and her hovering over me.

Jesus Christ. I can't breathe.

"What did you think again?" She raised a brow while looking down at me seriously. Her face is so, so close to mine. "I uhm.." Is all i could say. "That's what I thought" She placed a soft kiss on my cheek before getting off me with a devilish smirk plastered on her face. SHE- SHE KISSED ME.

I just lied there with wide eyes, unable to process what just happened.

Fuck, her lips were soft.

"C-can you do that again..?" I ask Billie and sit up. She turned her head to look at me before slowly leaned close to me, looking me in the eyes. She gave a long but soft kiss on my cheek and a short one right after. This is making butterflies in my stomach flutter around like crazy. Okay, Luna. Calm down. Don't freak out.

"You like that, don't you?" She asks and pulls away. I blush and nod as a response. I think i'm too busy melting to answer her with actual words that require me opening my mouth which i can't, my lips are sealed. She looks back at the TV and puts her focus there and i just sit behind her, debating whether i should or shouldn't kiss her cheek too. 

Do it


Yes, do it. You like her.

No i don't

Yes you do, now kiss her.

I wrapped my arms around her neck from behind and left a kiss on her cheek before confidently getting up. She stiffened and raised a brow at me. Did i fuck up..?

She winked.

She fucking winked.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked "Yeah, just a bottled water." She answered and I nodded before heading upstairs to grab something to drink. As soon as stepped out of the stairs, i took a deep breath. Fuck i couldn't breathe down there. I put my hand on the cheek she kissed my on and smiles to myself. You can't be telling me that I'm catching feelings for her.

I say that like it's a crime. Why don't i want to catch feelings for er, though?

ANTISOCIAL - B.ETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon