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A month later (I'M SORRY!")

"Get up, bitch. We're going swimming in the backyard!" Claudia says as she entered my room while i was cleaning. "What time is it?" I asked and she turned on her phone to check. "1 PM, come on" She said and dragged me to my closet as she went through the different swimsuits. "Oh my god, this one!" Claudia squeals and throws a pair of high waist swim shorts and a swim top in the color beige. "These are actually nice" I say and get pushed into my bathroom to change. Once i come out Claudia gasps. "Your body is unreal!" She says and i thank her. 

"Thank you, you too" 


In the next moment i find myself sitting at the edge of a giant pool in the luxurious backyard, wiggling my legs in the water while watching Claudia attempt to get on the giant floating duck.

In the next moment i find myself sitting at the edge of a giant pool in the luxurious backyard, wiggling my legs in the water while watching Claudia attempt to get on the giant floating duck

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"Finally!" Claudia yells as she finally succeeded getting on the floating duck. "Why aren't you getting in the water?" She asked and i shook my head, getting in the water and swimming over to her. "Happy now? I ask and she smiles and nods. "Very" 

Claudia eventually also jumped in the water and we stayed swimming and playing around for an hour before some of the guys came out as well. "So y'all just gonna have fun without us?" Rocky says and walks closer to the pool. "Sucks to suck" Claudia says and bursts out laughing, making me laugh as well. Why the fuck are we laughing?

"Yo i think your Rolex is in the pool" Tyler says, making Rocky lean more towards the pool to see. The next next moment, he's pushed into the pool by a laughing Tyler. "BRO," Rocky swims to the surface, giving Tyler a deadly look. "That's what you get for not sending me a fucking dick pic, motherfuck" He jokes and Rocky quickly goes out of the pool and runs after Tyler. "YO" A familiar, deep female voice yells. "Don't go in that house all wet, bro." Billie warns Rocky and he groans. "But Tyler pushed me int he fucking pool- i'm gonna kill you, Ty." Rocky deadly threatened Tyler and got Billie's permission to walk back into the mansion even though he was all wet.

"It's almost dark, be sure to be in by 7:30" Billie says and Claudia and I nod before Billie head back inside the mansion. "Have you and Billie had any sexual interaction yet?" Claudia asked and i stiffened, my head turning red.

I haven't even imagined that.

"N-no." I responded and she looked at me, confused. 

"That's odd, Billie usually fucks a lot of girls, i expected her to do it with you." I felt a sting in my stomach, feeling a bit anxious. Billie fucks a lot of girls? 

"O-oh, no we haven't uh- done anything yet. I don't even think she want to but- yeah." What's with me and all this fucking stuttering, damn. 

"Why wouldn't she want to?" She gave me a very confused face and i sighed pointed at my body. "I don't think it's anywhere near all the girls she fucks." Claudia gasps and furrows her eyebrows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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