Chapter 11

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"What do you think?"

Just tell me, are we just screwed? Or are we screwed... one furious Harry Styles??


He grabbed my arm and harshly pulled me up so that I stood beside him on the narrow top. I winced, attempting to free my arm from his cold hand but it won't budge. That's one thing about them, as in everyone from the Red Nation; their strength. They're incredibly strong that even the girls and guys arm wrestle.

"They're all brain and braun"

They'd all say, I knew that they're way too smart and take their intelligence for granted. For they are sneaky and known for hacking into softwares and security systems despite its difficulty. Trust me when I say every government on this island knows every trait of them and what they do. The problem is, they can't stop them from being smart and stop the invasions into their and foreign systems. If you were to open the dictionary and look for the word rebels, you'd find that they are the best example provided under the definition of it.

The number of students who sign up for the WildFire each year, exceed the number of students who are hung.. Each year. You should be understanding why that many students were to be hung to death, I though don't agree with the policy very much. If you ask me, the parents were most likely to be trouble makers back in the days. Thus if you ask again, I think their parents expected their children's death anytime soon.

Now Harry. Harry oh Harry, he's a hopeless case. They gave up on sentencing him to academy juvy ever since Freshmen year. He's been in trouble that many times. It's no use, the kid never learned and still doesn't. In fact, everyday he's corrupted in the head more than the day before.

You might ask "Why isn't he hung by now if he's the worst living thing on the face of Earth?"

Mr. President -not Obama, but our president of the Union Island- is in love with money. I'm sure him and money have an arranged marriage if they aren't already husband and wife.

Harry's father does his best to avoid his son's death. Of course he wants the bad reputation of the Styles' an ongoing series. I'm implying that he pays quadruple Harry's tuition per year.

"Is this your whore you've been toying around with while Kristen wasn't around?" he said through his pearly white teeth.

"No I wouldn't dare! Carly is only a friend" I regretted wishing to meet Harry to see his true colors, aside from tagging along to make sure Niall is ok, which obviously are showing. What else could be hidden under that badass? Bedrock.

"Sure she is. Speaking of which, where is Kristen?" the silence engulfed us, I was in no place to tell Harry what happened and Niall was sure not ready to tell him out here. He continued climbing on top of the wall and stood with his head low, not daring to look at Harry. I gave him a sympathetic look despite that he can't see me. I wished Harry would just let go of my arm for crying out loud, it hurts like fuck plus I don't think he's acknowledging the fact that he's squeezing my arm. Informing him won't make things better either, so I thought it'd be best to bear his harsh grip.

"Harry she needs a band aid" Niall mumbled, gesturing to my wrist. Harry seemed to notice Niall's avoidance towards the subject, he decided to let it go this time. And I thought he's stubborn...

"Does it look like I got any on me?" he snapped, then took a look at my arm with a mocking smile on his red lips. "You can't be serious? That's just a little scratch" he poked it, laughing once I whimpered. Fucking douche bag, I was lucky to forget about the cut, lucky not to feel the pain until you decided to touch it. Heartless piece of donkey shit.

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