Chapter 2 - Calls and Meetings

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A/N: Hello everyone! Now before this chapter starts, I have (as of writing this chapter) read all PJO, HOO, and I'm on book 3 of ToA. So, anything wrong up too that point, I do not know about, second, I have always imaged PJO taking place before HP, but I am aware of it being the other way around. Now, on to the chapter

I woke up to the sound of the waves on the beach. But more annoyingly, pounding on the door. I grumbled, looking at my watch, that Tyson made for me many, many years ago. It was 8 in the morning. OK, I thought it's not too early... it's a decent time of morning to be woken up. I stood up and answered the door. Rachel crossed her arms. This morning, she looked a lot better. She slept. I concluded.

"Rachel Elisabeth Dare, what brings you here on this lovely morning?" I asked. She frowned at me.

"first of all, Perseus, don't call me that-" I interrupted her

"take your own instructions Rachel" I crossed my arms as well. Looking down at her

"- you need to get ready because we're finishing that council meeting" Rachel continued. She glared at me, then she stormed off to the other cabins. I closed my cabin door. Got changed into my camp T-shirt and jeans. Then I walked towards the big house. When I walked in most of the other campers were there as well. I sat down.

"so, like we discussed last night" Chiron started.

"we're going to need 13 demigods from all the Olympians and what not, blah blah blah" Charisse said waving her hand. I looked from her to Chiron.

"yes, so, we all iris message all the people, we need who aren't here" he said. I bolted up.

"I'll iris message Annabeth!" I volunteered. Chiron nodded, waving me off. I walked over to a rainbow maker and turned it on.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering" as I threw a drachma in. An image appeared. She was laying down on a bed reading a book. I rolled my eyes, of course she's reading a book. I thought. "Annabeth!!" I yelled/said too her. She jumped. Looking around. Then saw me.

"Seaweed brain" she stated "you interrupted my reading" she said. I grimaced.

"this is important though!" I told her, trying not to allow the whine to enter my voice

"is it?" she asked. I huffed

"of course, it is!" I told her "Annabeth there's been... an... um... another prophecy" I mumbled. She stared at me before groaning.

"nonononononononononononono" she mumbled repeatedly "AGAIN?!?!" she yelled at me. I sighed and nodded

"and we're pretty sure were in it" I said, shrugging. Annabeth groaned.

"well I guess I have to go to camp?"

"yep!" I answered instantly

"love you Seaweed brain" Annabeth said looking me straight in the eyes

"I love you too wise girl" I replied with a grin. As we raised our hands to disintegrate the message. Piper awed at me as I sat down. "Piper, you can iris message Jason" I told her, she blushed

"ok" she said standing up. Soon everyone had been iris messaged and alerted to come to camp. Chiron stood once we had all finished.

"we have one more person to iris message" he said, standing and walking over to the rainbow maker. All the demigods glanced at each other, silently all agreeing, were following. As silently as we could we followed Chiron. "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering" he threw a drachma in "Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts". Then two new voices, we all heard. "Albus, Minerva" Chiron said. The voice went silent

"Chiron!" a voice said. Definitely Old... is that a British accent? I thought.

"Chiron?" a second voice asked, this one female "what's wrong?"

"we've had a new prophecy... do you have a student with a scar of lightning?" Chiron asked, followed by silence.

"no... sorry old friend. We don't" the first voice said. The demigods all looked at one another.

Could this prophecy not be about us? 

Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now