Chapter 12

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The hall fell into silence, not really knowing what to do. Annabeth stood and smiled at Magnus and Alex.

"welcome to Hogwarts" she grinned. Alex stood as well, grinning, her grin was radiating mischief.

"I better be welcome!" She yelled, I see Magnus raise an eyebrow at her, as he shook his head, burying it inside of his head.

Frank POV

I held Hazel's hand as we walked to the entrance of camp. I saw her glance at me from the corner of my eye. I look at her as she smiles

"we'll be able to see Nico and the other demigods!" she said excitedly.

"you know, I'm surprised that the school is still standing" I hear Reyna mutter. I shake my head

"there not as useless as you think" I tell Reyna

"sure" Reyna replies. We cross the river that marked the start of the camp. there was a brilliant light in front of us, I let go of Hazel's hand as all three of us turn away, trying to block out the blinding light.

After many, many moments I look up. To see the frighteningly pale face of Hekate. Her contrasting black eyes seemed to follow me. I pretended not to squirm.

"Lady Hekate" I bow to her, as Reyna and Hazel follow. The goddess pauses. I feel her scrutinising us.

"rise demigods" she commands in an ancient voice, that seems to silence the camp. I rise, to meet the goddess's eyes. both of the girls do the same. She gives us a warm smile, which seems to come off as creepier rather than friendly.

"demigods! As you know, the Greeks need help from the superior Roman's" the goddess starts. "and at this school of magic you will be required to use magic" I hear her sigh, as if she were wondering why she was here. "I have decided to give you three my blessing" we nod. A light envelops us all, then it's over. Hekate nods.

"good luck" she said with a smile, that I think looks somewhat friendly. She then disappears in another flash of bright light.

I look at Hazel, then I back away. She looks just like she had 16 years ago, and I guess that I do to.

Albus POV

I grin at Mininera. We were walking away from the commotion that was breakfast.

"have you realised that since the exchange students exchanged that the four houses have been more connected?" I ask.

When Chiron had told me of the prophecy, I had said that yes, when the boy with a scar of lightning came to Hogwarts that I would tell him. I did feel a bit guilty that I hadn't remembered until Harry's 5th year. But that's what age does to you.

Mininera nodded.

"indeed Albus. It has been remarkable! For the first time in Hogwarts history, a whole group of friends are sorted into different houses" she smiled, obviously pleased with the news just as much as me.

"I am glad you have" I say. Smiling at her. As we turn off to go our separate ways. Mininera to her class, and I went to my office. Thinking of the recent events and of how these developments affected our fight against Voldemort.

However, before I can get there, I hear a fake cough. I turn to see Umbridge. I glower at the toad woman

"professor, may I ask, why has there been more exchange students?" her voice was filled with mock politeness.

"why? Do you have a problem with teaching more children?" I ask calmly. Looking at her from over my spectacles.

"of course, not" toad lady denies. "I just want to know why I wasn't made aware" she says.

"because, you did not need to know" I say, and with a billow of my cloak walk the rest of the to my office. A small smile on my face.

3rd POV

Umbridge stared at the back of the headmaster. Her long, thin line that was her mouth twitched. She huffed at stormed back to her office. Where, with un-human strength flipped the table. Umbridge howled.

This annoying school has met its end! She screamed in her head, Umbridge's head looked across the room, a small mirror reflected her angered face. To her disbelief, her eyes flashed gold. She didn't notice, no rational thought processed in her mind.



Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now