Chapter 5 - Shopping and Arriving

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Now, we were stuck. It had been a day since we had landed, us demigods had found a wizard named Albus Dumbledore, he helped us get all our schoolbooks and all of that. I had gotten a wand. It was a wand that had 3 cores, a Pegasus feather, Unicorn hair, and a phoenix hair.

According to the wand maker, the Pegasus feather had come from a regal black stallion, and I must be extremely loyal to have that core. This was made clearer by the unicorn hair, and the phoenix feature show's I was powerful. The wood was elm, with a tinge of blue colouring. Which Annabeth had rolled her eyes at. Speaking of my wise girl, her wand was owl feathered, and dragon heart stringed and Pegasus feather, which had come from the same stallion as mine. She had Beech wood.

The others went as followed

Thalia her wand was cored with moon essence, and a phoenix feather, she had a silver pattern on the wand, the rest was black that faded into light grey. Not natural for the wood of Ash, but a special branch from a special tree.

Leo's wand looked like the wand had a fire design, with a phoenix core, his wood was Apple. We all had found that ironic that Leo's wand, the son of Hephaestus looked like fire.

Miranda Gardiner, the girl from the Demeter cabin got her wand next, which was a teal green wand, said to specify in herbology. She had a unicorn core

Jason got his wand after Miranda, his wand colour matched his eyes, they were electric blue, with what looked like a diamond on the end, which was his core, diamond string, and phoenix feathers.

Charisse had gone next, her wand was cored with horned serpent, and drakon scaled. Her wand was a midnight purple. With an Amethyst at the end.

Will then went, leaving Nico begrudgingly, he returned to Nico quickly though, finding his match on the second time. Fastest out of all of us, but his wand was gold, sunset colours. With pearl like gems, on the wood, which was beech. His wand had a unicorn, and sun essence cores.

Nico went next, smiling small a smile at Will, before plastering a frown on his face. Basically, all of us demigods noticed it, and smirked at the pair, well Nico had the slimmest wand, and smallest wand out of all of us, with sunset gold, white, and black streaking along his handle. Majority of his was brown. his core was dragon heart stringed, and thesaural haired. None of us except the wizards knew what that was, so we shrugged it off. Then Nico returned to his significate annoyance.

Piper got her wand after Nico she had a grey-brown looking wood. With pink-red beads or gemstones at the end of her handle, with a gemstone flower at the end of her handle. The very tip of her wand was almost white.

Conner went next, his wand was pixie wing (not an alive pixie, gave up their wings) cored, with a dragon heart stringed core. His wand was brown with a red section midway up the wand.

And finally, Pollux, his wand was blue at the handle then faded down to green. Grey green and white circled each other was they wind up the wand, his core was Unicorn and holly wood.

Dumbledore payed for all 13 wands, then we walked out. He gave us a bit of money, and gestured too a shop telling Thalia, who he gave the money to, too get us some ice-cream. She nodded. Thalia let us all pick out ice-cream. Only one flavour though. So, I picked the blue one, asking for choc chips inside of it. Thalia had face-palmed at that. I just grinned. They gave me my ice-cream, as they did for everyone else's. We ate our ice-cream. Dumbledore walked out of a bookshop, sith a very large pile of books floating beside him,

"are they ours?" Annabeth asked. Dumbledore smiled

"yes, Mrs Chase, and yes, they're in Greek" he answered our silent question. We nodded, then waited for us to finish our ice-creams. Which I was grateful for. Dumbledore walked us into a pet store and let us each pick a pet. Then he walked up too the counter said something, the person at the counter nodded. He walked back to us.

"You can us your drachma, I have to go quickly, I'll be back soon" he told us, most of us, me included, weren't listening. Then he teleported away. We continued looking at pets. I ended up sharing with Annabeth, since hers liked us both. She had found a grey-white owl, with sea green eyes. It was a girl, so we called it Zoe, after Zoe Nightshade. Nico found, a black cat. It had blue eyes. Will got a Ginger cat, Nico's black cat and Will's ginger cat were hissing at each other. Will and Nico awkwardly smiled at their cats. Thalia, she got a dog, who, I was certain, was part wolf. Jason and Piper got a cat, a beige, white, and ginger ragdoll cat. Conner had found a grey almost black cat as well. Pollux found a barn owl. Charisse's mission must have been to find the largest, aggressive, noisy animal in the shop because she found all of that inside of a pure white dog. Leo said he didn't need a pet. Because he'd make a min Festus or something. Miranda had found a quiet owl. We all payed for our pets, with our drachma. Then walked out, we found Dumbledore sitting in a seat near the shop.

"hello again" he said, smiling welcomingly. we all awkwardly held our peta and wands. "let's go to school, your going to have to hold on to me for a second" he stated, we awkwardly did so. Then he teleported us away. It felt like shadow travel.

Once we'd finished teleporting, we stood at the front of a huge castle. I practically tackled Annabeth before she could start to go off, about architecture, sure its adorable when she does, but Annabeth, she could start to talk about it later, she pouted at me, as we all followed Dumbledore inside the building. We all walked up the stairs, he told us to wait outside of a large hall, he walked in without even thinking about it. Us demigods waited in silence for about 5 seconds, before Annabeth started talking about the architecture, she was interrupted by a stern looking woman say

"were ready for you" as the hall door opened for us, we were led by the woman, at the end of the hall sat a hat on a stool. The inter school of witches and wizards stared at us from behind.


Sorry that took so long to create, i'll try to get back onto my usually updating log

Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now