Chapter 7 (part 2) - First Day

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AN play the song when it says to, don't watch the video. listen to it as you read. Also, check out all the songs from the musical there all good

I walked out of the potion's classroom, I grabbed Annabeth's hand. Our group of Gryffindors went to our Charms classroom, while Charisse and Piper went to their next class with the Slytherins. Jason and Piper had hugged, and I'm pretty sure they kissed. But I didn't look at them long enough. I told them too meet us outside of the great hall, after classes. They nodded, and rushed to catch up with the Slytherins

"Why do you hang out with them?" Ron asked, Thalia

"because, there our friends... some of us have travelled around the world with them. And we wouldn't ditch them because of a stupid house rivalry" she answered, a tense edge to her voice. I tried not to laugh, with Charisse being our friends.

"we have Charms, lets go" Hermione said, a little annoyed. We soon arrived at the Charms classroom. We walked inside a small dwarf man sat at the head desk. We sat down at desks and waited for the class. Once everyone sat down the dwarf man started the lesson

"Hello students, I'm Professor Flitwick today, we will be revising the Summoning, Banishing, Fire-Making, Levitation, and Mending Charms" he constantly moved his wand. I wondered if he too had ADHD. Flitwick nodded at the class. I only then noticed the feather in front of me. I took out my wand. I also took out my book. I turned to the first page, according to the book, you had to say wingardium leviosa, while swishing and flicking my wand. I did so.

The feather immediately floated. I grinned. I shut off the spell. I did the rest of the spells, Nico got the banishing spell, without looking at his book.

"of course, your good at the banishing spell, your significant annoyance would be good at the mending spell" I teased him Nico blushed and shoved me, I grinned and laughed. Annabeth face palmed.

"your horrible" Annabeth muttered. She had already gotten all the spells. I glared at her as I struggled with the fire spell, that I had purposely left for last. Harry smirked

"your struggling with a first-year spell?" he teased, I huffed

Annabeth POV

"I just so happen to be more connected to water, and fire is waters opposite. It makes sense that I would struggle with a fire spell" he defended himself. Giving Harry a wolf stare. The intimidating stare. Harry backed down. Fiddling with his wand. I put a hand on Percy's should

"hey, your good at magic, you can do it" I told him

"thanks, wise girl" he thanked me, I nodded at his feather. He tried the spell. And his feather exploded engulfed by fire

"good job, seaweed brain" I whispered in his ear, as the bell went. I stood. As Percy put his book inside his bag.

We held hands as we walked to Defence against the dark arts. The woman who I had noticed, she looked like a toad. Once the inter class had sat down, the woman smiled

"for the transfer students" she glanced at us demigods "I'm professor Umbridge, and today we will be continuing reading from wherever you go too last lesson" beside me Percy groaned, she then sat at her own desk, and filed out paperwork.

"this is going to be a long lesson" I muttered under my breath.

Last in the lesson I was chapter 5, titled Fleeing I raised my hand, Professor Umbridge, glanced at me

"question Mrs Chase?" she asked. On my other side I could have sworn Thalia muttered, more like Mrs Jackson. I eyed her

"there's something wrong with this book" I said. Umbridge frowned

"no there's not. It is ministry approved curriculum; nothing should be wrong. Continue reading" she instructed, I raised my hand again. Percy grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, Umbridge sighed, and gestured at me

"chapter 5, is about fleeing, and this is defence against the dark arts ho-" Umbridge interrupted me

"first of all, Mrs Chase, this is a ministry approved curriculum, and like young Mr Potter here" she gestured to Harry. "he has been getting detentions for disrespectful lies about someone returning and lying. So, I ask you, do you want to join him?" Harry was vigorously shaking his head in a no gesture.

"no?" I said, though it came out as a question then a statement. Umbridge nodded

"good, now, continue reading" I groaned and rolled my eyes.

Percy POV

After what seemed forever, we were released. I ran out, pulling Annabeth with me. We had no more classes. I walked down to the great hall, where Charisse and Piper were standing. Nico wandered off, toward another classroom as we walked, and Will, Miranda, and Leo. They must have all had class together. Nico blushed as Will held his hand. Once we were all together, including Harry, Ron and Hermione

"so, I've been thinking" I started. Almost all the demigods groaned, and face palmed. I glared at them all "anyway I've been thinking, that during dinner at camp, we should IM Mr Brunner and sing our school song" Jason, Thalia, Leo, and Piper all grinned. Annabeth face palmed

"ok, so let's go" Jason said. The wizards gave us confused looks, I shrugged. I started walking toward direction of the Gryffindor common room "wait... where?" Jason asked

"Gryffindor common room" I replied. Harry and Ron both looked horrified

"they're not allowed!" they said in unison

"they won't tell anyone else where it is, and the password" I reassured them, as we walked toward the common room. We reached the common room and walked up into our room. We told the Wizards they could do whatever they wanted, so they did that. Which was going to the library. No one tried to stop us as we walked into the transfer students' common room. The campers from Half-blood who knew the song taught the others.

"oh, I forgot, I made something for us all" Leo said after 30 minutes. He pulled out a phone. "I made some phones" he told us.

"that's bad Leo, you know we can't have them" Annabeth said in a serious voice. Leo nodded

"but these phones are monster proof" he handed them out, my phone was blue, with a case that was ocean themed, with blue cookies, and blue food. I grinned and turned it on. The phone was already set up with all the demigods in the room, Rachel, Camp, and a few other people. I called Jason. He answered

"hey bro"

"bro" Jason paused "goodbye" he said as he hung up. I glared at Jason. After a while of fiddling around with the phones. I looked at my watch, it was about dinner, for camp. I created a mist. And made sure everyone was ready.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering" I said as I threw a drachma in "show me Chiron of Camp half-blood" Chiron appeared. I grinned. And signalled our mini orchestra.

AN: start playing the video at the start

When you're beaten and you're bloody and you're face down in the mud

When the harpies try to eat you, you're on fire, there's a flood.

The other campers in the background joined in.

You can bet that you're on the shore of Camp Half-Blood

You can bet that you're on the shore of Camp Half-Blood

Camp Half-Blood
Where only half of us survive!
Camp Half-Blood
Be glad you're still alive!

Camp Half-Blood
Where only half of us survive!
Camp Half-Blood
Be glad you're still alive!

This is why no one watches the orientation film.

Everyone started laughing. We told Chiron how everything is going, then told them we had to go. Once they were gone, us demigods all burst out laughing

"even Mr D joined in!" Piper laughed; we all did.

"we should make that a tradition, to call them during there diner and sing the song. Everyone agreed. We went and trained for hours. Once we stopped it was past curfew, so the others camped out. 

Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now