Chapter 4 - Travelling across the world... again

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After that meeting, we had been told to go pack and meet back at the big house in an hour, I walked out with Annabeth. She went to her cabin I went too mine. When I opened, I wasn't surprised too see my little brother Okeanos, he was my full-blooded little brother. Okeanos, had the same jet-black hair and sea green eyes, his hair was straighter, unlike mine. We mainly looked the same, and could be mistaken for twins, like we were so often He was laying in his bed reading a book.

"who on earth do you read so calmly?" I asked him, grinning. He jumped. I laughed.

"Percy! Don't do that!" he said grumpily "I read so calmly because I have a longer attention span then you" he answered my question smirking. I rolled my eyes

"my attention span is long enough, Okeanos" I crossed my arms. He raised an eyebrow "I'm sorry Ocean" I corrected. He preferred Ocean like I preferred Percy over Perseus. But I was an older sibling.

"I'm going on a quest" I said. Ocean face palmed, muttering something about not again. He then walked outside, probably going to find Aglaia and Feyre. I shook my head, then I started to pack my stuff.

After about 30 minutes, I had finished. I started walking around camp, I was thinking mainly, since Annabeth still hadn't finished packing I walked alone, when I came towards the beach I saw my younger brother, Ocean, and a girl with chestnut blond hair, her hair was slightly curly. Ocean's bests friend Aglaia, or Laia. They were sitting face the ocean. I sunk around, spying on them. Was I a bad brother for spying? I thought.

Laia and Ocean were laughing, about something. Then I noticed something on the other side of the beach. Another figure, it was probably Fey, her real name was Feyre. When I looked back at Ocean and Laia. They were so close. NOPE! I thought. Sending a title wave towards them. The wave brought them into the water. The figure who I thought was Fey yelled

"PERCY!! I WAS SPYING ON THEM! HOW DARE YOU!!!" Definity Fey. I thought. Laughing I came out of my hiding place. After Fey had yelled several people came out too see what the commotion was about. Fey angrily told them what had happened. I shrugged and walked off. I started laughing after a while.

Soon, we were meeting in the big house again. I had told Annabeth what had happened. She started laughing. I haven't seen Ocean since I sent that title wave at him, he was most likely avoiding me.

Chiron had explained how we were going to the airport and were catch an airplane to London, we'd buy all the stationary we'd need for school and then go to the place where our wizard friend Harry was. He didn't even know we existed. Yet, he was hopefully a friend. First, we had to see Hecate

As if she was summoned, Hecate appeared in the big house.

"I give all of you demigods, the blessing of Hecate. Now leave me the Olympus alone" she stated and disappeared as soon as she had appeared. We shrugged at each other; I felt a little different. A little more powerful, but nonetheless the same old Percy here. Chiron told us to get our stuff and load them into the camp van, which we did. And the Harpies drove us to the Airport


Me and all other 11 demigods plus 1 hunter were boarded on the plane. I sat next to Jason, who was sitting next to Piper. And on my other side I sat next to Annabeth. I made it through 30 minutes before I fell asleep. I slept for 4-5 hours then I woke up. And needed to move. I couldn't sit still. I hate having ADHD. I walked down one end of the cabin to the other twice, simply telling anyone who asked, "I need to move" and left it at that. I then grudgingly sat down; I fell asleep again. Apparently, according to Annabeth, while I was asleep Leo had set himself on fire in the bathroom. How she knew, I didn't know. She probably had been told by one of the other demigods. And Jason almost got too excited and caused us some bad turbulence, which is why I woke up. Thanks Jason.

But finally, we made it too London, and I practically ran off the plane. Rejoicing in solid land, and freedom to move.

Now, though, I thought in the back of my head. Our quest begins. 

Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now