Chapter 11 - Talks and Arrivals

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Annabeth POV

I practically ran to Professor Dumbledores office, Percy at my side, easily keeping up.

"Professor!" I gasped as we reached the top of the stairs. He looked at me above his spectacles.

"ah, Mrs Chase, what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, he smiled at me and Percy, I smiled back.

"Professor" Percy said "we came here because we have an idea" he said. I nodded.

"we want to ask you if we can invite a few of our friends to Hogwarts" I continued, Dumbledore slightly rose an eyebrow but didn't comment "and by few I mean 8" I said, glancing at Percy, knowing we we're thinking the same thing.

"who are your friends you want to invite?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

"Frank, Hazel and Reyna" Percy said without second thought.

"Magnus, my cousin, and Alex" I continued. We thought for a minute. "and Carter, Sadie, and Zia" I glanced at Percy he nodded.

"but you might have a few tags a long from them" Percy warned, at this Dumbledore grinned.

"of course, they can come!" he chuckled. "I'll organise their arrival" he said, "but can you two please tell them to expect a letter from me?" he asked, still grinning. We agreed.

Time skip to the next day brought to you by Camp Half-Blood

Hazel POV

"from the questing Demigods, hope to see you soon" Reyna finished, smiling slightly at me and Frank. A few minutes ago, a grey-white owl with sea green eyes had swooped down and handed her a letter, we now knew that the owl was Annabeth's and Percy. And that me, Frank, and Reyna would be joining the demigods on a quest to a wizard school

Reyna was here with the hunters of Artemis/Diana. She hadn't aged since she became a huntress, like the demigods, however me and Frank we're like any normal Roman adult demigods. We had been leading the SPQR for years now.

"Who agrees to allow us to go?" Frank asked, few objected, seeing as the 13 demigods made it seem as if they need help, our help.

Baste POV

My eyes narrowed at Carter, he may have been an adult, but he was still my kitten.

"Carter you are the Pharaoh! You cannot possibly be thinking of going!" I told him; I did admit to myself that the Greeks and Roman needed help, no surprises there, but they cannot expect Carter to go.

"Baste" Amos said soothingly. I turned my narrow eyes to Amos, the Chief lector.

"he cannot go" I repeated.

"what about us?" Sadie asked gesturing to her and Zia. I frowned,

"you might not have any responsibilities here, but what about Brooklyn house?" I asked, "and I don't think we should be sending you kids off too some wizarding school!" I continued. Folding my arms.

"then come with us" Carter said. I thought for a second.

"only if I come, then I'll allow you to go" I said, protectively.

"as Muffins?" Sadie asked teasingly. I sighed, shaking my head at them, as they laughed.

Alex POV

I grinned at Magnus; we had just read the letter Annabeth had sent us.

"operation Hogwarts?" I asked, a sly smirk adorning my features, Magnus nodded grinning as well. I heard Jack buzzing in agreement. I leant over and kissed Magnus on the cheek, he practically melted into a puddle I laughed, and we started planning how we would get to England.

Hermione POV

I sat in the library, reading about Mythology, if I were right, the Americans would be apart of another world. A mythological world. The Mythology were pretty hard to find, I had to ask madam Prince, after 2 hours of searching.

"hey Hermione!" Annabeth whispered excitedly to me. I jumped, closing my book, and hid the cover. She sat in front of me, siting on the other side of the desk. "what are you doing?" she asked conversationally.

"reading?" I said, it came out as more of a question then statement. She tried to look at the cover, but I took it away.

"what are you reading?" she asked, now curious.

"oh, nothing much" I replied, she eyed me for a few seconds "what was school like in America?" I asked. Maybe I could get the answer from her, I thought.

"dangerous, pretty hectic, and overall, like Hogwarts" she replied. I frowned.

"how many teachers did you have?" I asked.

"15, why?" the same number of major gods, including Hades and Hestia. I thought.

"are you-" I started

"well if it isn't Mudblood and Granger" came a voice from behind Annabeth, I glared at Malfoy, Annabeth rolled her eyes. Malfoy leaned against the bookshelf, a book held lightly in his hands, his finger marking a page.

"what do you want?" she asked.

"to study" he said obnoxiously, Annabeth rolled her eyes, she turned in her chair.

"out of the dozens of tables you could have chosen, you had to annoy us?" Annabeth asked sarcastically. Malfoy facepalmed, he walked over and put the book on the desk, flipping it to the open page.

"look, I need your help, I'm only asking you two because, the Ravenclaws explain it too much, the Hufflepuff's explain it too little, the Slytherins don't help, and most of the Gryffindork's sneer and walk away. I thought that maybe you'd be able to help me understand it" he explained. My eyes narrowed.

"why wo-" I started

"what do you need help with?" Annabeth asked with a sigh. I noticed Malfoy looked relieved. I stared in shook at Annabeth. She was squinting at the book.

"[spell name]" Malfoy answered, watching the girls. Annabeth pulled out her own book and laid it on the desk.

"what language is that?" he asked, pulling a chair from another desk.

"I have Dyslexia, I can read Ancient Greek better then English" Annabeth replied reading the page in her book, I watched the exchange, as Annabeth explained the spell, how to use it, and elaborating on things that Malfoy asked about the spell.

"what languages do you know?" Malfoy asked

"I know a few actually" Annabeth said, a far away look crossed her face, smiling slightly "I know, Greek, Latin, Runes, Egyptian and with much difficulty English" Malfoy looked impressed. Soon, he understood the spell and begrudgingly thanked us. He then walked out of the Library. I watched Annabeth, trying to figure out if she was apart of a different world.

The next day

I sat between Harry and Ron, reading a textbook when the door was burst open. I jumped looking at the door. A pair of teenagers walked inside the hall.

The two teens were a boy, with golden hair that seemed to glow, he had grey eyes, that –I realised– were the same colour as Annabeth's and another teen walked beside him. A mischievous grin painted on his lips. I think they are a male.... I thought hesitantly. He had had dyed green hair, heterochromia eyes, one pale amber and the other, brown.

Another Chapter!! Well Beatrice/Ferriochase has arrived to Hogwarts! thanks for reading! Stay safe

Demigods and Wizards A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Cross overWhere stories live. Discover now