Chapter 7

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Virgil and Logan got to the kitchen, meeting up with the others, who were making breakfast... or, well, Patton and Emile were making breakfast while Remus yelled at them to add some gross, inedible thing, and Remy watching TV, sitting at the dining table. No one seemed to notice how Remus was wearing one of Damien's beanies, hiding his hair.

Remy looked up from his phone. "Anything new?" he asked, glancing at Logan and Virgil. He was seemingly the most worried one out of the four in the kitchen.

Virgil sighed and shook his head. "No... I told my parents the story we made up... told them you guys had an exam and that I stayed with him..." he said, glancing at Logan for a moment as he made some coffee for everyone. "I didn't expect last night to go like that..." he trailed off, sitting across from Remy.

"Hey, don't worry... he'll wake up soon. And if he hasn't woken up by noon, we can take him to the hospital... tell them the story we've basically told everyone and hope he's alright." Remy reassured. He wasn't too sure if he was reassuring Virgil or himself as he didn't quite believe his own words. He was worried sick about Damien but he had to try to make Virgil and the others feel better. Hell, he was the cool one in the group. The one who never worried about anything.


Damien's eyes fluttered open and he glanced around the room for a second before trying to sit up. Only to be stopped by Roman.

"Woah. Don't move, Love." He gently pushed him back down as he spoke, "how're you feeling?" he asked softly, carefully pushing Damien's hair aside and out of his face. He leaned down, kissing Damien's forehead softly for a moment.

Damien rubbed his eyes. "I... I'm alright..." he said quietly, looking up at Roman confused. "What happened? How did I... get here?" he asked, slightly worried. Roman frowned as he noticed a hint of fear in the other's eyes. "I only remember asking questions with the board... none of them were answered, though..."

Roman sighed. He remembered more than he would've liked. He wished he could tell Damien that they decided to leave after the locker bang and that he fell asleep in the car. But he couldn't tell him that if he remembered the Ouija board being used.

"We were asking questions and none of them were answered... or so we thought. But you asked why J.D was still in the school and the board spelled 'Die'... then the lights went out and when they came back on, you were unconscious on the floor... then you were magically thrown against a wall," he explained, caressing Damien's cheek as the other looked up at him in fear. "None of us know what happened, but I'm glad you are alright." He smiled lightly, kissing Damien softly.

Damien smiled into the kiss and kissed back, pulling him close for a moment before pulling back. "Well... thank you for getting me out of there." He smiled, slowly sitting up. He suddenly felt a strange urge... a craving. "Do you have slush?" he asked. He was shocked. He hated slushies... why did he want one?

Roman blinked, just as shocked and confused as Damien. "Uh... I think so..." he said slowly. "Let's go to the kitchen, I'll get it for you." He gently picked Damien up bridal style and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He shot a warning look at the others as Virgil immediately stood up to hug his brother. He sat Damien on the counter and went to the freezer, allowing Virgil to nearly tackle Damien in a hug.

"Don't you dare do that ever again, Dee! I was so worried!" he said, hugging him tightly.

Damien chuckled and hugged back, looking over at Roman as he held out two slushies of different flavors. "Strawberry," he said before focusing on his brother. "Pinky promise, I'll let you know when I'll do it next." He laughed. "Sorry for worrying you, puffball," he said quietly.

Virgil pulled back and turned to Roman, frowning in slight confusion as he saw the other handing Damien the slushy.

"Guys! Remy, Remus and I have an exam in an hour, we're gonna go now," Emile said. "We'll be back when we're done." He smiled, waving goodbye and leaving with the other two.

Roman kissed Damien's cheek and turned to Virgil. "Well, stay here, Dee," he said, "I don't want you walking around more than needed. We'll be in the dining room... let me know when you're done." And with that, he grabbed Virgil's wrist and pulled him to the dining room table, where Logan and Patton were having breakfast. They sat down as well and Roman spoke, "Something's up with Dee..." he said in a hushed tone so Damien didn't hear him.

Patton frowned, looking up from his cereal. "Are you sure? He seems fine to me," he said, glancing at Damien and back at Roman.

Roman ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back. "I'm telling you guys, something's wrong. Dee has always hated slushies." He looked at Virgil for support, only to get a shrug in response. He really didn't want to get involved.

Patton had another spoonful of cereal before speaking again, "maybe he doesn't anymore..." He tried to convince Roman to just drop the subject. He regretted following them to the school and joining them in the session.

Logan spoke, and Roman was shocked that he had taken so long to offer his unwanted input. "Taste buds change every-" he started.

Roman groaned in clear annoyance, interrupting him. "No, guys. He hates them. He hated them yesterday." He huffed, crossing his arms, almost childishly.

Virgil looked at Roman confused and glanced at Damien for a moment. "What are you trying to tell us?" he asked, looking back at Roman. "That that guy over there isn't Damien?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Roman shrugged in response, unsure of what was really going on and what he really meant to say. "I don't know..." he trailed off. "Maybe something... changed." His voice grew quieter as he spoke. He looked at Damien and frowned. What if that really wasn't /his/ Damien? What would he do then?

Logan sighed in exasperation, looking at Roman as he stood up to bring his plate to the kitchen, only to be stopped by Virgil grabbing his wrist. "Your point is?" he asked, looking at Roman.

"What happened last night wasn't normal!" he responded, a bit louder than he'd intended.

Damien frowned and his head perked up, hearing them, still sipping from his, surprisingly good slushy.

"Power goes out all the time-" Logan said matter-of-factly, only to be interrupted, once again, by Roman.

"Logan, shut up!" he shouted, forgetting about Damien being in the kitchen. "Logic will not explain what's happening! There was something in the gym with us! Something knocked Dee out and then threw him across the room!" His voice was loud, making Virgil and Patton flinch.

Virgil bit his lip and sighed. "I have to agree with Roman.... There was something there and none of us can deny it." He looked up at Logan, whose stance softened as Virgil spoke. He let go of Logan and looked up at him.

Logan ran a hand through his hair. "It was probably Remus and Remy pranking us," he said, a lot calmer than before. He looked at Virgil and back at Roman, who shook his head.

"You overestimate them. Plus they never operate without Dee. Not on that magnitude." As if on cue, all their eyes turned to the kitchen. "Something's up with him. Trust me."


"Mr. Prince. Take off the beanie. You are not allowed to wear hats in class," the teacher said. Remus looked up at him and quickly shook his head.

He wasn't taking that off. Not until he figured out what to do with... that.

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