Chapter 12

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TW: Mentions of bad mental health, fear, murder, poisoning

"Seriously, guys, your house never fails to amaze me..." Patton said under his breath, looking around the house. "It's so big, how can you find everything you want?" he asked, looking at Damien and Virgil, who were heading to the staircase.

Virgil chuckled. "Patience. Lots of patience," he said at the same time as Damien. "Come on, Pat, don't lose sight of the group or it'll be too late~..." he said in a teasing tone, trying to scare Patton. An easily successful task, to be completely honest. It was very easy to scare Patton and Emile. And the others always took advantage of it... maybe not Logan but he just watched amusedly.

"Don't say that! It's mean, Virge..." Patton whined. The others laughed and continued walking up the stairs. Patton running to catch up, too afraid of it being 'too late', as Virgil had said... especially after his encounter with Damien in the hallways... no. He was not going to think about that.

They reached the top of the stairs and Roman started assigning the rooms. "I think Dee and Virgil are sorted... should we put Patton and Remus next to us?" he asked, looking at Damien. "And then Emile and Remy next to Virgil and Logan?" He raised an eyebrow and Damien nodded.

"Yeah, it sounds good to me." He smiled, looking at the others, who went straight to their rooms.

Damien sighed and rubbed his eyes a bit. Roman smiled and hugged him from behind, kissing his shoulder. "Sleepy, baby?" he asked quietly. Damien nodded slowly and Roman took his hand, kissing his cheek and pulling him to the bedroom.

"It's a weird kind of sleepy..." Damien trailed off, sitting on the bed. "It just hit me out of nowhere... I wasn't tired at all a minute ago and now I feel like I need sleep or I'll die..." he muttered.

Roman frowned lightly but quickly hid it. That wasn't normal... and he wasn't sure if that was a good sign. And Damien's mental health had been slightly messed up since the... encounter with J.D. He was still having breakdowns and panic attacks every now and then and he seemed to be the most affected out of all of them. Roman was worried sick, of course, he was. But he felt like he couldn't really do anything to actively help his boyfriend.

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing, Love... get some sleep, and you'll see how you feel much better in the morning. Plus, there's going to be a pretty bad storm tonight, so let's get cozy, shall we?" He smiled, sitting next to Damien. "You were probably excited for this and once it happened, the excitement drained you," he said, trying to figure out what Logan would say at a time like that.

Damien sighed and nodded, rubbing his eyes again and taking an oversized sweater, changing into it and getting in bed. He pulled the covers closer to himself as thunder roared outside. He shut his eyes, not wanting to remember about that night in the gym. He felt a pair of arms around him, pulling him close and holding him securely.

"It's okay, Love. I'm right here," Roman said softly, kissing the top of Damien's head and allowing himself to fall asleep once he felt Damien's breathing get slower and deeper.


The rain pouring outside hit the windows and the roof of the mansion-like house, lulling all its residents to sleep, unbothered by the loud cracks of thunder that shook the house to the point one could think the walls would collapse.

Damien's eyes fluttered open and he glanced at Roman rolling his eyes and getting out of bed. He looked around, glancing at Roman to make sure he hadn't woken up. Once he had checked, he walked out of the room, hearing something downstairs.

He silently made his way down, unsure of who he would find and surprised when he got to the kitchen.

"Patton...?" he asked, frowning a bit and walking into the kitchen. "Why are you here?"

As soon as he heard his name, Patton jumped back and whimpered. He looked up and saw Damien, sighing in relief. "Oh... it's you, Dee..." he said quietly. "I was hungry and I wanted to get a cookie to eat something before going back to bed..." He laughed nervously, feeling weird, almost intimidated by Damien.

"Of course it's me," he answered, sitting on the counter. "I'm not really too tired... are you? Maybe we can hang out a bit, we never hang out alone." Patton thought about it for a moment and nodded. Spending some time with Damien wouldn't hurt, right? "Perfect. Why don't you go ahead to the couch while I get us something to drink?" he suggested.

Patton smiled. "Okay, I'll have anything warm," he said before skipping out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Once he was gone, Damien's smile fell. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and a bottle of drain cleaner. Time to start the cycle again... he poured some drain cleaner in the glass, enough to kill but not enough for it to be visibly noticeable. He put the drain cleaner back and poured some hot chocolate in the glass, mixing it all and warming it up.

He walked to the living room with the glass, handing it to Patton. "Hot chocolate... sorry if it's too hot," he said, giving him a sheepish smile.

Patton tried it. "No, it's perfect. Thanks, Dee." He smiled, drinking it. Damien looks at him. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked, smiling lightly and licking the chocolate on his upper lip.

Damien sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I am mad at you." Patton frowned. "You had to open your big mouth, didn't you?" he hissed. Patton shifted back a bit. "You couldn't have gone straight to class, could you?"

Patton's eyes widened and set the glass on the coffee table. "Is this about Jane? Dee, I swear I-" He was cut by a coughing pit.

Damien smirked and tilted his head. "Keep quiet, Patton. We don't want to wake the others up, now do we?" he asked. Patton started gasping for breath and Damien just watched, a smirk tugging at his lips as Patton whimpered and went limp, falling to the side.

Damien got up and took the drain cleaner, opening it and setting the bottle on the coffee table. Perfect.


The Sun rose and so did Virgil with it. Ugh. He hated it. He walked out of the bedroom, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He sleepily made his way down the stairs. He took a quick glance at the living room, noticing a drain cleaner bottle. He frowned, slowly walking over.

Next thing he knew, he woke everyone up with a blood-curdling scream. 

J."Dee". // Sanders Sides AUWhere stories live. Discover now