Chapter 27

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TW: Major character death, fire

Remy walked home. It was dark despite it being 5pm. It looked like there was going to be a storm. So, he tried to get there as quickly as possible. Until... was that Damien? What was he doing in the park? He always went straight home... especially if there was a storm coming.

He frowned slightly and walked over to Damien, who was sitting on one of the swings. "Hey, Dee." He smiled. "What are you doing here?" he asked, sitting on the other swing and looking at him. "Is everything alright?"

Damien nodded. "Yeah, I just didn't feel like going home, yet. My parents are out and I'm pretty sure Virgil's with Logan so..." he said. "Jane's busy with cheerleading... I'd rather be here than home alone," he explained.

Remy nodded slowly, biting his lip. "Can I ask you something?" he asked, almost nervously. Damien looked at him and nodded, giving him a small smile. "What happened to you?" he blurted out. "You were hopelessly in love with Roman, and then you move on so fast and start dating /Jane/. You've never been interested in her. Sure, she's super pretty and popular, but you're gay. It feels... out of character... like you aren't the Damien we know."

Damien tensed up visibly at the accusation. He looked away, trying to have the most normal reaction someone would have. "He keeps blaming me of Remus' death as if I'd pushed him. And I am not stupid, if there's a pretty girl who wants to go out with me and my ex happens to be an asshole, I'm not saying no," he said.

Remy shifted and raised an eyebrow. "So, it has nothing to do with the fact that she's Veronica Sawyer's daughter," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. Damien looked at him and frowned, almost in confusion. "I know you aren't Damien," he said.

There was silence for a moment. The two looking at each other for a second that felt like an eternity. And then, Remy realized.

He shouldn't have said that.

He looked away for a moment and, when he looked back at Damien, his eyes were brown. He'd fucked up real bad.

He moved back, backing away from 'Damien' as much as he could. He was faster than Remy, so running wasn't an option. Damien got up calmly... too calmly. It was eerie, if Remy was being honest. He looked behind himself. He was only a block away from home. If he ran fast enough, he might make it.

He looked at Damien before running for it. He ran. As fast as his legs would take him while shaking. He entered the area with trees, hoping it would get Damien away from him as the other started running after him. Shit!

He kept running, panting heavily as he ran. Why were there so many trees?! He turned to see how close Damien was, but... he wasn't there. There was no trace of him. He slowed down, coming to a stop to catch his breath.

Was he gone?

He heard a hit and everything went black.

Damien panted softly, looking down at him. He looked at the trees around and moved Remy next to one. He bit his lip and grabbed a cigarette and the lighter he had in his pocket. He lit the cigarette and tossed it onto Remy before tossing the lighter.

He tilted his head as he looked at Remy, whose shirt was starting to catch on fire. He smirked as the fire quickly. Thank God for polyester and cotton shirts. He took a step back as the fire began spreading to the tree closest to Remy.

He looked at the fire consuming Remy's body, burning him half alive, a small smile tugging at his lips. One more down. Four more to go. And Jane was not escaping her fate either.

J."Dee". // Sanders Sides AUWhere stories live. Discover now