Chapter 19

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TW: Mentions of death and possession

Logan woke up to the buzzing of his phone. He sighed quietly and took it from his nightstand. He frowned as he saw it was Virgil, answering as quickly as possible despite the fogginess in his head.

"Hello?" he asked sleepily. "Virgil, what time is it?" He glanced out of the window and saw it was pitch black outside. He heard soft panting on the other side of the line. Was Virgil having a panic attack? His alert went off for a moment before he heard quick footsteps. Was he running? What? Why was Virgil, out of all people, running in the middle of the night?

"Logan. I am heading to your house now. I have bad news. In the meantime- shit. Asshole!" he shouted as a car honked. "If Damien goes to your house, /don't/ open the door." Logan frowned. "I promise, I'll explain when I get there, just- please, don't. There's something wrong with him." With that, he hung up, leaving Logan even more confused than before answering the call.

Bad news? Something wrong with Damien? What was he talking about?

He put his phone down and checked the time. 4:42 am. Ugh. Of course, Virgil would be the one to wake him up at that time...

He got up and tried to get rid of the drowsiness before Virgil arrived. Which was just a few minutes later.

Virgil pounded on the front door, knowing Logan's parents worked the night shift. Logan opened the door, not even checking who was on the other side of the door.

"Virgil, you're soaked!" he said, pulling his boyfriend inside. "Go get changed into anything you can find, I'll make you tea, or something," he said. He hated that he didn't function as well in the middle of the night. Virgil nodded and went into Logan's room.

He shakily got changed into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He walked out just a couple of minutes later. Clearly, he was in a bit of a rush to warn his boyfriend that his brother was possessed by a psychopathic serial killer. And losing the fight. And the more people died, the closer to impossible would be getting him back.

"Remus is dead," he blurted out as Logan handed him a cup of tea and sat beside him on the couch. Logan froze, looking at him in shock. Virgil bit his lip and let out a shaky breath. "Damien killed him..." he muttered. "Roman and I saw him push him into the road and a truck ran over him..." he said.

"But- no. Damien would never kill anyone. Let alone Remus. They are- were best friends, why would he?" Logan asked in utter disbelief. Damien couldn't have killed Remus. It was impossible.

Virgil sighed. "Remember... the night we got into the school? What happened there?" he asked. Logan nodded slowly. "And the conversation we had the next day? About him?"

Logan sighed. "Virgil, no. Don't go back to the possession bullshit. There's no such thing as possessions or demons."

Virgil closed his eyes. "Just listen! Roman is already hating him for what he did. I know Damien better than anyone in the world. I can swear to you, that wasn't Damien. It wasn't my brother. I agree with you, Damien would've never killed anyone. But there are too many clues and thinking he's possessed is much better than thinking my brother is a psychopath. Hear me out... please." Logan sighed and nodded. Virgil smiled lightly. "He started acting weird after waking up from being knocked out in the gym by something or someone. He wanted a slushy, something he'd always hated. And then the panic attack he had. It was... different than anything I'd ever seen him have before. He had never had intrusive thoughts and he was suddenly panicking over hurting someone despite never having hurt anyone. And suddenly Patton dies? He seemed scared that day... as if he'd seen something he shouldn't have. Damien and I were the only ones in the house who knew where the drain cleaner was. We'd just switched it a few days back. And he fought my dad to go to a party. Damien has always hated parties... and then he kills Remus? It makes no sense."

"Okay, let's say that you are right and that isn't really Damien. What are you going to do about it? You can't just walk up to him and tell him," Logan pointed out. "What's your plan? And Roman? He was the one who first brought up that whole thing, why does he hate him now?"

Virgil sighed and shrugged. "I suppose seeing him kill his brother fucked him up," he said. "He drove him away and now I need to find him before it's too late." He ran a hand through his, still wet, hair and sighed. "I'll return the clothes in a couple of days. I'm sorry I woke you up," he said, kissing him quickly. "I'm going to go find him. I'll call you when I do," he said. "Can you call Remy and Emile? I don't think Roman has the energy to, right now." He got up and frowned as Logan grabbed his wrist.

"You'll get sick if you go. Stay here and warm up. You can't ghost hunt if you're stuck in bed with a fever," Logan said. He didn't want Virgil to go. He wanted him close. Since they got together, they only cuddled when someone died, which was happening terribly often, apparently. "It'll be easier to find him if you look in the morning. When it isn't storming or just not pitch black."

Virgil sighed and nodded before sitting back down.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and both teens frowned. Logan stood up and walked to the door, opening it.


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