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Staring idly by the window frame, was a girl with a petite frame, she has hair white as snow, and eyes that held the sky.

She was wistfully watching the view presented to her by the clear glass window, it was the only view that was able to drown out the wild chatters of her classmates.

She was just admired her crush from beyond the clear glass frame. Just then her crush faced her, yet turned back away as if annoyed of the discovery of someone's stares.

There stood Cyrus Blade, with his back turned away from the girl watching him, behind the clear glass of her classroom windows.

Cyrus never understood why this girl annoyed him, but he knew one thing for sure. This girl liked him, but sadly he didn't reciprocate these feelings that the girl had for him.

For he had feelings for another girl which was his childhood friend.

So as usual he just kept playing, waiting for the girl to get tired of him shooting and missing each hoop over and over again.

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