Chapter 4

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Dereck's Pov:

I shoved my feet into my shoes with way more force then necessary and stomped to the kitchen.

Why, you might be wondering. Well because today is the first day of school and I'm ticked off because have Vin and I had our talk.... The answer to that would be a big fat NO.

I spent all night after we kissed thinking about what he said and what I felt. I decided that as long as we agreed not to let this come between us if we tried for more and crashed and burned, then I was definitely game.

I got up ready to have our talk but noooooooooo Gigi had decided to pop over with breakfast and of course those two were already gossiping like a couple of old biddies.

So I kept my cool thinking we'd have our talk later.

Through out the 9 hour shopping trip I looked for signs that he hadn't changed his mind. He gave none.

Nothing out of the usual. He was the same Vin. Told me what looked good on me, asked my opinion on his picks and joked.

But I was sure that was because Gigi was around.

So when we got home and all he said was "You in the mood for pizza or subway?" All I could do was shake my head and go to my room.

Before this he would have known I was upset without me even saying a word and would have been right there trying to work out whatever was up with me.

Sunday he was gone when I came out of my room and didn't return until almost 8 that night. He acted completely normal as if nothing had changed between us.

I left and because I was so pissed I forgot my phone and wallet and ended up just driving around town for a few hours until I barely had enough gas to make it home.

So here I am pissed and sleep deprived on the first day of school senior year.

Yep I'm thinking today is gonna be a rocking day.

I shoved a pack of pop tarts in my backpack and stomped to the door. Just as I flung it open Vin rushed up.

"Dude! Were you seriously gonna leave without me? We always ride together. It's tradition." He said as he flung his bag on his back and grabbed my keys. The 10 minute ride to school was quiet and before I knew it we were in the school parking lot.

"Well you coming or not? You look like crap by the way. What's with the bags under the eyes? Out late getting some hoochie snatch?" He joked teasingly.

I flung my door open and slammed it shut.

I think for the first time in my life I honesty want to punch him.

He caught up to me and threw his arm around my shoulder and kept it there despite me trying to shrug it off.

"Dare seriously, if you got laid last night and you're still being this uptight, I think it's time to drop that booty call because she obviously wasn't that good."

I literally saw red.

I'd spent the whole weekend thinking us through and deciding that I'd risk almost anything to give us a chance and he acted like he couldn't care less.

I took a deep breath and held it counting to ten.

So it was all a joke or drunken mistake to him. He may not even remember the kisses and talk.

Instead of losing my temper I said. "I don't wanna be late for class."

He narrowed his eyes but followed me into class. He sat next to me in our first four classes but didn't actually say anything. When I looked at him he'd narrow his eyes and look away.

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