Chapter 8

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Jessicas PoV.

It was evening and I spend the night with Addison, Bree and Eliza who I have just met half an hour ago. But the small amount of time that I knew that Zombie Girl, she got more and more sympathetic towards me. Right now we were watching a romantic movie ans the only two that weren't really into those kind of movies were Eliza and I.

We just sat there eating the popcorn that Addison had made the two of us so that we would keep our mouth shut and let Bree and Addison watch their romantic but really lame movie. It was about to people who have the same sickness and who aren't allowed to stand near each other. Like they have to be three feet apart. Wow. That's not the kind if that I would watch.

As I have mentioned earlier I am not really into these whole romance and being in love thing. It comes from something that had hit my life hard. But well. I won't tell this right now. After all this was a pjama party and we are all supposed to have fun at this. If I started crying now in front if all the other girls that would be weird. Ans also I would feel totally uncomfortable crying in front of all those girls I  barely knew.

It was a personal trait of mine that I could only cry and show off my emotions completely in front of people that are really, really close to me and who I love deeply. So I just leaned back against the wall and continued to stuff popcorn into my mouth.

That was until I decided that I had to use the bathroom really quick. So I got up and looked at them.

"Hey Addison. Could you show me your bathroom really quick. I just need to use it quickly!"

She nodded and got up aswell. She let the movie running and lead me down the hallway to the bathroom of her.

"There you go Jess....I'll wait for you. Then we can go back together."

I nodded before I went inside. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Why would anyone even want to be friends with me? Or even fall in love with me?... I am not pretty like Addison, I am not smart like Eliza and mostly I am not that kind like Bree.
I sighed and went to get out if the bathroom again. As I left Addison looked at me with a slight shocked face

"Did you hear this scratching as well? Come on you're brave. We need to take a look at what is going on!"

And with that she pulled my down the stairs. We went over to the entrance of her house and she opened the door. At first we could not really see anything. Well it was dark so that's probably the reason why. But then, after we shared a look, we looked back and there they stood. The werewolves. And I looked directly into Wyatts eyes. God those eyes...keep track Jessica!

"Come with us!"

Said Willa and looked at the two of who were just shocked.

//So a kind of longer chapter then usual. But you deserve this for your support and feedback!!//

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