4: The TRUTH

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"I didn't I was just testing her if she'll believe me" The one beside you said.

So this is all a joke. You believed your brother that he really loved you but you guess it's not true after all. You believed him with all your heart.

"Oh..well. who would be friends with a girl that killed it's own mother" Namjoon Oppa said..

And I was thinking lately that Taehyung Oppa seemed weird and never talked but I just ignored it.

"I-i'm going to my room now" you said standing up.

They sat at the couch and Jimin Oppa said "Bad bye fatty, have a worst night"

"Have a great night to all of you too" you said smiling

You got to your room and lay on the bed. You took the picture that you and your family did when you were little. Tears came rolling down from your eyes can't stop thinking about the memories you had with your family especially your brothers at that point of time. You miss the old them. You cried and cried until you fall into a deep sleep.


The sunlight from the window hits your face and you woke up. You go to the bathroom and watched your face in the mirror. Still red and puffy from all the crying last night. Since you don't have to go to school today as your teacher said, then you thinked on what to do while your at home. You washed your face and took a towel to dry it. After you finished cleaning yourself, you walk downstairs and saw no one there. Maybe they're at school early. When you got to the kitchen you saw a folded paper on the kitchen table.

You read it,

Hey fatty clean the house while we're at school. We already heard from your teacher that you needed a rest or maybe for us, a great month of making you as our maid in the house. You better start cleaning or else you'll know the consequences. Also, clean our rooms. It must be clean and tidy. We shouldn't feel any single dusts on our room later evening. Have a great day cleaning.


By the time you read it, you started cleaning. You started at the living room. You brought the cleaning materials with you and start cleaning. It's so messy. Junk foods everywhere, cokes, beers and a Wait, what?! A banana milk?! Who would drink a banana milk?! And for my own opinion, these trash are hidden at the back of the couch meaning, no one can see it if the others are sitting in the other couch. You just ignored it and cleaned everything.

1 Hour Later,

You finished cleaning the living room, and the kitchen. You walked upstairs and opened the first room which is Namjoon Oppa's room. When you entered it's like trash. Clothes and books everywhere. I started cleaning....

"Hmm? What's this?" I said to myself and picked up a thick book. "Wow! Never knew Oppa was good at making songs. He's amazing!" I put the book back in the desk and cleaned the whole room.

30 minutes later,

I finished cleaning the room and entered the 2nd room which is Yoongi Oppa's room. And...
Wow! His room is really tidy.

When I walked towards the bed, I saw a note and it's adressed to me.

Dear Y/N,

I'm sorry for what I told to the others. I lied to them and I also cleaned my own room so that you don't need to clean it anymore. Which is I have never done before -_- . But I just want to tell you that I do love you and and I will always do. Take care of yourself at home and eat. I have some leftover food at the refrigerator for you. Love you

Your Yoongi Oppa ♡

OK? Can I trust him? Welp. Let's not talk about that now and go to the 3rd room.

When I entered Hobi's room, I started cleaning cause its such a mess like Namjoon Oppa's room.
Then after I entered Jungkook Oppa's room and saw banana milks all over the floor. Then Jin Oppa's room to clean AGAIN. And then Jimin Oppa's room. And lastly, Taehyung Oppa's room I cleaned and cleaned until I saw an old box under his bed.
It's his hand writings since he was 8 years old. I read them and read until.. I found something that made me shock.......

Today we bullied Y/N AGAIN. What can I do? They threatened me in the first place that if I sided Y/N, they'll hurt her much worse until she'll slowly die. I can't do anything. And I can't let that happen. I love her too much. So I pretended. That the only choice I can make. I'm not strong enough to fight my brothers. I'm too weak to fight them. But I just want lil sis to know that she's still my little bean♡..

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