25; They're back!

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This day was the day I've been waiting for. Everyone's at the living room sitting on the couch.

"So, Tae did you hid the frying pan?" Hobi asked.

"Yeah.. How 'bout you Kook. Did you bring Holly to the pet care?" Tae Oppa said.

"All done. And the baseball bat?" Kookie said.

"Its hidden safe and sound" Hobi said proudly.

"That means they can't hurt us. Hah!" Jungkook Oppa said. Jumping

"We're smart" they said together and high-fived.

"Smart your ass" I scoff.

"All of us are in the same Grade Level except Joon and Yoongi Oppa. They're one step away from us. And think about it. I'm the youngest but has the same grade level with my older brothers" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh well, but we're good at planning. Haha! We win Y/N!" Hobi Oppa said and laughed.

"Tsk! Just wait you guys! Your never gonna win from Y/N the Genius!" I snapped.

"Geez! You really do like Yoongles that much huh?" Tae Oppa said.

"Yeah!. Wait no! I love him😄" I said proudly.

"But I'm cool! Cooler than Yoongi Hyung!" Jungkook Oppa said pointing his index fingers to himself.

"No way! Yoongi Oppa is cool and has swagzzz" I said.

We started bickering at each other until we can hear someone put a key in the keyhole on the front door.

"Oh my!" Hobi Oppa said whisper shouting.

The front door opened and their came a running Jin.

"Yah! YOU RASCALS" He shouted.

"Yes hyung?" Tae Oppa said and blinked innocently.

"Wait till I get my frying pan!" He said.

He searched for the kitchen cabinets but couldn't find his frying pan anywhere.

"Tsk! I see u hid my frying pan" he smirked.

"U might be forgetting something to hide" he crossed his arms.

"But what?" Jungkook Oppa said.

"I dunno" Hobi Oppa said.

"My FREAKIN' SANDALS U IMBECILE!" He shouted and started chasing them in the living room.

The next person I saw was Joon Oppa walking in the living room.

Or should I say fast walking.

"NOW! WHO SLEPT IN LILBEAN'S ROOM! I'M GONNA SLAP THAT POOR ASS OF YOURS!" He shouted and started running around the living room slapping the one's he catch.

Then, their came Yoongi Oppa.

"I heard some stupidos slept in Y/N's room and I can't find my dog in it's cage so might as well use the plastic broom Jin Hyung gave me on my birthday." He said and joined the ruckus.

Then the last one, Chim Oppa.

"Better go to my room and find my baseball bat" he said and ran to his room. But end up going back in the living room with a brief case in his hands.

And the war begins.

Sometime later,

"Now, I suggest u guys not to drink too much." Jin Hyung said while me and Chim Oppa helped the 3 bruised boys put bandage in their legs, hands and faces.

"Yes hyung" The 3 of them said in unison.

"What did I tell u guys. Hiding their things are useless." I said and sighed.

"But it was worth a try though. Right?" Jungkook Oppa asked.

"Kind of?" I said and chuckled.

"Anyways, dad told us he has a gift for us and it's coming this Friday" Joon Oppa said.

"A gift?" I asked.

"Yeah" Chim Oppa said.

"I bet it's something good" Jungkook Oppa grinned.

"Yeah!" They said in unison.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Hey guys! Here's an update I hope you like it!

And the fun parts are starting!

So please don't lose hope for this book cause more exciting scenes are gonna happen! I promise!😄

"My Brothers Hate Me" BTS FF(on going)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora