14: Goodbye's

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I was running home and ram to my room. I took off my coat and pretended to sleep. Someone opened my bedroom and talked softly.

"Y/N wake up now we'll be leaving to the airport in 4:00 AM" Jin Oppa said.

"I'll be downstairs after I get ready Oppa" I said standing up from the bed.

"Don't forget to bring a coat. It'll be really cold outside" Jin Oppa said.

"I will. Don't worry" I said and he already closed your bedroom door.

That was close. Tehe..

I walked in the bathroom and showered. I wore pants and a black & white checkered long sleeve. I grab my coat and went downstairs. I saw 4 luggage in the living room.

"Their you are. Let's go. Our flight will be 5:30 AM. "

We got in the car and drove to the airport. You could only hear the silence. The radio is playing a classical music. We arrived at the airport in 4:25 AM. We sat at the waiting area and waited until the speaker spoke.

55 minutes later,

"Flight to Japan will be leaving any minute now. Please fall in line" the speaker said

We all stood up.

"This is goodbye now." Jin Oppa said

"Well, we'll see each other in a month or maybe lesser than that." Jimin Oppa said.

"We'll be going now. Bye guys" Namjoon Oppa said.

"Bye" the 4 of us said.

We stood their watching them go. Until I can't see any figure anymore.

"Let's go home." Hobi Oppa said

"Ok" I said.

We sat at the car and drove home. As we unlocked the door, we flop in the couch and gave a big sigh.

"Are you hungry Oppa's?" I said

"Not really." Jungkook Oppa said

"Then I'll be in my room if you need me" I said and ran upstairs to my room. I take off my coat and jumped on the bed.

What should I do today? Oh right. The big tree. I'll bring some snacks and clothes their some other day. I'll be having a bath in that waterfall. But first I need to hide the passage so that no one can come in.

I'll put some logs their later and make a little one that only one person at a time can go through. Yup. Sounds like an idea.

Or maybe lock that part and connect our house and that place. The park can be seen at the back of our house and it's kind of abandoned.


Sounds like a plan. So that means; I'll have to make a secret passage under the falls since our backyard and under the falls are connected. Yesh. But first im gonna take a nap. I didn't sleep last night. And I was in my dream land. Dreaming of

"a different personality of me"

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