Chapter 17

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"I bumped into..." I started telling when someone knocked on my door.

"Wait a second." I said to Dessa.

I walked over to open the door when I noticed Neymar and Marc standing in front of me with a serious face.

Oh my god what now.

"D-Dess I'll call you later." I said and hung up.

"What?" I said looking at them.

"How dare you go into your room, why don't you come and stay with us." Neymar said sarcastically and waved at me.

Thank god nothing happened.

"Because I wanted to change and clean my room." I smiled.

"We're going to meet the club we're going to practice with tonight, make sure you're ready at about 6. p.m for diner." Marc smirked.

I'm not in the mood to go tonight. I'd rather want to talk to Dessa and tell her about him. Seems like I need to think of an excuse.

"I have nothing to wear." I fake smiled.

"Well we thought you'd say that, that's why I told Neymar to go shopping with you." Marc laughed.

"W-what no, we were already, no need to." I smiled.

"No of course not, I don't mind." Neymar smiled and pulled me to him.

"Let's go." Neymar smiled and led me out.

We walked out of the hotel to his car that his coach arranged for all players. During the drive I felt his eyes on me the entire time.

"Stop staring at me." I said.

"Here we are again." Neymar smirked.

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Minutes later we finally arrived.

"You know I didn't even want to go shopping." I whined.

"You're like the first women who'd say that." He laughed.

We walked stores for stores but couldn't find anything. My mood was pissed but the way Neymar dealt with it was so adorable. We were walking next to each other when I suddenly noticed him again.

Oh my god no. If he's going to meet Neymar he'll freak totally out and Neymar would beat the shit out of him just like he told me.

"Neymar let's go there I found something." I quickly said and pulled Neymar into the ZARA shop with me. I put my arm around his arm and pushed him inside.

"Woho." He smirked and held my arm.

"All right let's pick one of these." I said pointing to a stand.

I took a look outside to see if he was still there but no one was to be seen.

"This is shit." I mumbled and pulled Neymar behind me.

"Why are you acting like this?" He chuckled.

"Like what? I'm totally okay let's go home." I suggested and smiled at him.

"But you haven't chosen a dress yet." He said and led me back to the boutique.

"Okay let's pick something then." I said and took a look at the clothes.

Moments later we finally decided what to buy.

Thank god we didn't meet him. After buying that dress we walked to the parking lot. We didn't even get attacked from paps, I guess they don't know that we're here yet. I got into Neymar's car and we drove off.

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