Uh, Oh

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—————Movie y/n's POV————-

"Y/n, look!" Lloyd says, pointing towards a vehicle coming our way.

"At least we're not alone in this forest of giant hippos," I mutter.

"Dr. Bravestone! So good to see you!" The man in the car says to Lloyd as he approaches.

I blink. "What?"

"Ruby Roundhouse!" the man says, turning to me. "You're looking well!"

"Excuse me?" I say, then look down at my chest. "They're not that round..."

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lloyd asks.

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!" The man repeats.

"I don't get in cars with strangers," Lloyd replies.

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!"

I step forward and shake the man's shoulders aggressively. "Stop staying that!"

"Hey, y/n..." Lloyd suddenly says, pointing to the place where we landed a couple minutes ago.

I stare at the spot, and then I realize what caught Lloyd's attention: four other people.

"Maybe they know what's going on," Lloyd wonders.

"Or maybe they're just as confused as we are," I say.

"Hey!!" Lloyd shouts at the strangers.

"What are you doing?!" I hiss. "What if they're dangerous?"

Lloyd raises an eyebrow and gestures for me to look at them again. The girl with red hair is covering her boobs self consciously, the middle-age fat man is freaking out like a girl, the short guy with a backpack is yelling at the tall guy, and the tall guy looks like he's about to cry. They look like a mess.

"Okay, maybe they're not dangerous, but they're definitely a strange group of people," I say.

Lloyd calls out to them again, and they head up to where we are.

"Hi," the girl says like she's on the brink of a panic attack. "Do you know where we are?"

"We were just about to ask you that," Lloyd answers.

"Are you a part of the game?" The tall guy asks.

"Game?" Lloyd and I repeat.

"Are you non-players or did you get sucked into the game, too?"

"Well, we got transported here through a DVD player, so close enough," I mutter.

"Are you saying we're in a video game?" Lloyd asks.

"We're pretty sure... I mean, we only just got here, but... yeah. I'm Spencer, by the way. That's Fridge, Martha, and Bethany."

"I'm Lloyd, and this is y/n."

"Bethany?" I say after a moment. "What... how..."

"I don't look like this outside of the game!" Bethany exclaims defensively. "This is just my avatar."

Lloyd and I look at each other. "We don't have avatars."

"Lucky!" Bethany complains. "You guys got to keep your good looks!"

"Hey, who's that?" Fridge asks, pointing at the guy in the car, who's still repeating the same line over and over again.

"That's just some weird guy who thinks y/n and I are 'Dr. Bravestone' and 'Ruby Roundhouse.'"

Right Realm, Wrong World (Book 4 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)Where stories live. Discover now