Chapter 12 - Confusion

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Naraku pov:

I twitched at the sound of footsteps that echoed through Mt. Hakurei, into the deep where I was slowly altering the make of my body to become stronger than ever before. I sensed Bankotsu as he approached and opened my eyes to look down at him when he came to a stop in the middle of the central cave.

Like always, a puppet of myself walked out from one of the tunnels that lead to the central cave. Bankotsu scoffed, lowering his halberd and letting a third of its length get lodged into the ground. He then crossed his arms, "I honestly don't know why you expect me to walk through the spiritual barrier every time to report progress."

"I apologize for the inconvenience," I said simply through my puppet. "Were you able to get rid of them?"

"No, they're quite a strong bunch of runts, and we had interference from the elder brother."

"Sesshomaru? I didn't expect him to come to the aid of his half-breed brother," I mused, narrowing my eyes.

"He came to protect Hisako," answered Bankotsu. He smirked when I narrowed my eyes, "That's right, he came to protect the human you're so fond of. It seems he's quite protective of her. I'm guessing there's something going on between them."

"Sesshomaru showing interest in a human? That's the most pathetic joke I've heard," Kagura said, coming to join us with her fan near her shoulder.

"I'm just telling you what I saw," said Bankotsu, shrugging. "Hisako seemed rather infatuated with him too. She trusts him, at least."

I frowned, clearly not expecting to hear such a development. Hisako, as I had known from meeting her several times and watching her every now and then through my Saimyoushou, was a quiet, distant human. Though kind and generous to those around her, she kept her distance from them and didn't trust anyone easily. Perhaps it wasn't surprising that she had some trust on Inuyasha and his scurvy band, mostly because she seemed to have a connection of sorts with the miko. I knew she traveled with Sesshomaru as well, taking turns in order to spend time with the human child he took care of. But to be infatuated with him?

I had been intrigued by Hisako since the moment I had met her. She was a strong human, both in mind and body, but with one weakness that I planned to use against her to make her my ally. I had devised many plans, including showing her that a human with demon like powers had no place amongst humans or demons, when she had decided to stay in a human village. It had worked and I was so close to making her my ally all until she met with Sesshomaru and then Inuyasha.

It was my intention to corner her soon, to not let her team with my enemies and fight against me – it would be disadvantageous for me for her power was truly a worthy one. She had surprised me though, by not involving herself in the enmity between me, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Koga. She only strived to protect the weaker members of the group she traveled with and so I assumed that there was no need to coax her into joining me so as long as she remained on neutral ground.

I did, however, become only more intrigued by her every time I watched her. Most often, I saw her lost in thought or with a serene smile as she played with the human child traveling with Sesshomaru. She was close to the fox demon and two tailed cat that accompanied Inuyasha and kept her distance from the rest. She spoke to them when necessary and was comfortable with them but not once had I imagined she would become more than necessarily attached to anyone, let alone a stoic, human-hating demon like Sesshomaru. To think I had missed seeing the development of such a great obstacle...

Secluding myself here in Mt. Hakurei while I reconstructed my body had diminished my ability to find out the details I wanted to know. In the two weeks I had been here, I had managed to throw my enemies off my track but it had resulted in something troublesome as well.

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