Chapter 6

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I laid down in the grass with my feet in the air and my book right in front of me. It was the third day of camp, which meant that after today there were only 4 days left. Only 4 days to live in this act.
Today would be a lazy day. There were two options. Eiher you could choose to relax and stay at the camp or you could join the younger groups on a walk through the nature, where they would do "lots of fun games."
For me that choice was easily made.
Together with the rest of my friend group I stayed at the camp.
Liv was taking a shower right now and I knew she would take her time for that. Collin, Zach and Sarah were playing soccer with other people and Josh was probably somewhere else in the field, reading.
I had expected Sarah to wake me up last night to go to the lake for a midnight swim.
But she didn't.
This morning I woke up from a good an uninterrupted night of sleep. Surprisingly.
Maybe she has been there, but I was just sleeping so deeply that she couldn't wake me up. Maybe she just forgot about it.

When Josh sat down next, I got ripped out of my thoughts. I realised I was staring at the pages, blankly. The story got me thinking about Zach...
"Hey hon." Josh said when he was laying down on his back. "Must be an interested book?"
I shrugged. "I've read it before, a long time ago."
I showed him the cover. It was 'to all the boys I've loved before' by Jenny Han. I read it like 2 times before, it was one of my favourite books and that is why I had decided to read it again this summer. But that wasn't the best decision of all time.
The scenario of the book reminded me of the whole situation with Zach all the time. Lara Jean and Peter pretended to be in a relationship and so did Zach and I. Zach was just like Peter arrogant and confident. But nearing the end of the book they fall in love, and I don't think I want that to happed to us...
I don't think I want to fall in love with Zach. It is all just so confusing.
"Oh I love that book." Josh said. I turned back to earth and realised I had been overthinking again.
I turned on my back so that we were now both looking at the cloudless sky.
"It actually looks a bit like the thing between you and Zach, right?"
I sighed. I hoped that he wouldn't notice that as well. But ofcours, Josh was too poetic and insightful to see through it.
"Well ye but actually no.." I answered.
He turned his head to me. "Why not?"
"Because.." I sighed again. "He is confusing me as hell! He seems to have like 100 different personalities. It's like one minute, I get to talk to this not-caring jerk and the other he seems to be actually interested and sweet. I don't know what to do with that. But I am sure that I don't want it. I don't want to end up like Lara Jean and Peter. Just like everyone says, we are too different!"
Josh stayed quiet for a while. I didn't really wait for a reaction. I didn't really want to talk about Zach right now..
Eventually, my best friend turned to me again. His glasses were a little bit slanted on his nose and a piece of his curly, brown hair fell in his face. He wiped it away. "Well, you only have 4 days to go so you would be delivered from this hell. After this camp you wouldn't have to talk to him ever again, if you want to."
I nodded. But I wished that I could say with confident that I was happy to never talk to him again.
Josh changed the subject after leaving a comfortable silence. I was thankful to focus on something else.

While we were talking about what our favourite and least favourite meal in camp was over the last few days and years that we've been going to this camp, Liv walked up to us.
"Hey.." She said after she took off her headphone and let it hang around her neck. " you guys want to join us with playing some games?"
"Sure we do." I answered with a smile, since I love games. I got up and pulled Josh up too.
"What kind of games?" He asked, putting a sour look on his face. "If it's truth or dare again, I won't. Or did we finally come up with a more original plan.."
Liv laughed. "No, not truth or dare.. we don't want to put Audrey to even more drama."
I rolled my eyes. Liv saw it and chuckled, then she continued. "It are just a few regular, silly camp games.. you know, the ones that make absolutely no sense and can get you crying from laughing."
Josh finally assented, after me whining for a while and we followed Liv to the main field where everyone, except for the people who joined the youngest groups (which were actually surprisingly much people), was standing in a circle. Vanessa and Max took control over the whole thing.
We started playing the most silly games you could imagine and indeed, just as Live predicted, soon everyone had tears in their eyes from laughing.
In between two hiccups, I looked over at Zach, who was standing a bit away from me.
He was laughing just as hard as I did. Suddenly his eyes crossed mine. My face got red and turned my face to the ground.
I didn't want him to come over to me, but as soon as the game was over, he did.
Another game started and we had to hold hands for it. I got so much distracted by the feeling of his hand in mine, that I couldn't concentrate on the game anymore.
I was one of the first ones out. And of course Zach won that game... he grinned at me playfully. That jerk.
I re-joined the group when they started the same game again. This time I was focussed. I wouldn't loose from Zach..
And I won.
Zach smiled softly at me while I was doing my little victory dance. I noticed and, even though I knew it was childish, I stack out my tongue.
He started laughing and hugged me.

A few games later, the rest of the groups came back to the camp and it was about time for dinner.
After we ate our hamburgers, we stayed in the dinner room to play UNO. During the whole game Zach had his arm around my shoulder.
On a weird way, it even felt comfortable.
We played games for the rest of the evening until 10 pm. Miss Daisy came to our table to tell that we had to go to bed. But instead of listening, we convicted her to join us in a last game. We ended up, still playing when it was 11 pm.
I started to get a bit cold and shivered. Zach pulled me closer.
"Are you cold baby?"
I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Just a bit.. But I think your hoodie would help."
He smirked and let go of my shoulder to take off his hoodie. Luckily he wore a t-shirt underneath it.
He gave it to me and I pulled the hoodie over my head. It was soft and smelled like him. It smelled great.
After we finished the game (Simon won and Daisy was third, I was last since I was getting tired) we went to our bungalow.
Liv and I sneaked in, carefully, attempting to not wake anyone up.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I laid down in my bed. Liv, who was a lot faster than I am, was already laying in her bed with her eyes closed.
I still had Zach's hoodie on, because it was so comfortable.
I snuggled into my pillow.
"Zach is actually pretty cute." Liv mumbled.
I laughed sarcastically. "Well you can have him if you want to."
She turned to me in the dark. "Aren't you even a little bit attracted to him?"
I shook my head, but I wasn't as sure about it as I wished I was. "Not at all."
I wished I could be sure about my own answer.
"Your bad." She giggled.

We talked for a bit more and then we both fell asleep.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now