part 28 // plot twist

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A few hours passed and I was still 4 centimeters. I got a bit used to the contraction, as they didn't get any heavier thought they still hurt as hell.
I was starting to get more annoyed by how long it took. I imagined that my baby would have been here in less than an hour but apparently not..
I sat up in the hospital bed and sighed. Zach looked up to me and rubbed my hand which he still held.
"You okay?"
I sighed again.
"It takes so long.. I am exhausted..."
I laid my head back in the pillow again while Zach gave my hand a soft squeeze.
"Is there something I can do?"
I shook my head. I just closed my eyes and let out another sigh.
"Do you want to walk around for a little? I heard that can help.."
I nodded. "It'll at least kill some time."
I got up with the help of Zach.
He pulled his arm around me to make sure I wouldn't strumble and fall to the floor, even though I tried to convince him that I was totally fine.
He walked me through the hallway, following my slow steps.
"You want to get something to eat?" He asked.
I nodded.
But at that moment I felt another contraction hitting in. I leaned with my hand against the wall and clenched my jaw.
Zach started rubbing my back instantly.
"I'm fine.." I muttered behind clenched teeth. I was getting kind of used to the pain of the contractions already.
"Breath in.. breath out.." Zach moved his hands up and started massaging my shoulders. "You wanna go back to the room?"
I shook my head. "It's just a normal contraction.. nothing new."
Zach's hands were going up and down on my shoulders. I felt how I calmed down underneath his touch after a while as I was adjusting my breath back to a normal pace.
About 5 minutes later, I got up again and let out a sigh of relief.
"You good?" Zach asked worried.
I nodded. "Yeah.."
"Sure you don't want to go back?"
I shook my head again. "Let's get some food. I'm dying for some orange juice."
He smiled a bit. "Okay then"
I couldn't help but thinking about how sweet he was for worrying like this..
He took my hand and together, we walked to the little restaurant in the hospital.
I noticed how everyone was staring at me and it got me so uncomfortable.. After sitting on my own in my apartment with only Liv and Gabbie to talk to and every now and then a bit of work in Erin's restaurant, I was no longer used to people looking at me or being in a big crowd.
Especially now they were staring, it made me feel like I just wanted to run back to the room and hide underneath a blanket.
But my urge for orange juice was huge and apart from that, I was way too stubborn to tell Zach that I wanted to go back after he asked me for 2 times already with me refusing.

We made it to a table and Zach pulled the chair a bit so I could sit.
I grinned. "Still cheesy as ever."
He chuckled and gave me a playful wink. "You know me."
We sat down talking a bit about whatever until the waiter came to take our order.
He looked at me and noticed the hospital clothes that I was still wearing.
"Hello.. how can I help you."
"Orange juice." I said immediately. The faster I'd finish it, the faster I'd be back in the room. "And a lot please."
I smiled awkwardly but he gave me a soften look. "I'll take care of that."
Zach ordered something for himself as well and then the waiter left.
"Orange juice, huh?" Zach chuckled.
I rolled my eyes a bit and smiled. "I don't know.. I just want orange juice. Something wrong with that?"
Zach laughed. "Not at all. It's just funny how you fit the stereo type so well. With like when ur about to give birth u want pickles or orange juice or whatever."
I giggled. "Oh no stop don't get me started about pickles right now."
He giggled and gave a light squeeze in my hand. That's where I noticed that he still held it.
I blushed a bit.
"Sorry." And while he was saying that he let go of my hand.
I shrugged and tried to force a little smile.
After a few minutes of awkward silence we continued our conversation.
An awkward conversation it was now, I had to say, while 10 minutes ago we were talking like everything was normal. How could the vibe twist like this in less than a second?
It felt so wrong to sit here like this.. but at the same time it felt right.
After a while, the waiter came back with a whole brick of orange juice along with Zach's order.
He put it down and shook his head at Zach when he was taking out his wallet.
"You get this one from me.. take good care of your girl."
Then he walked off without waiting for any respose.
"My girl.." I heard Zach repeat from across me.
I gasped softly and blushed. "Zach.."
It was silent again. The tention between the two of us grew as we just looked down at the table without saying a word.
I took a huge sip from my orange juice to seem less awkward. And before I knew it I finished the whole brick.
How even?
I put it down and flinched. A little groan left my mouth.
I pulled my arms around my belly.
"Audrey.." he got up and walked over to me. "Are you okay?"
His hands found their way over my back again.
I groaned again not even able to speak. The pain was horrible. Terrible.
It was a sigh that the baby was done with waiting as well.
Zach pulled me up from my chair, picked me up in his arms and speedwalked through the hallways of the hospital while I was whining softly from the pain.
Eventually we made it into the room again and he laid me gently down on the bed.
"It's gonna come!" I yelled.
Zach freaked out and started pushing the button several times.
I gripped onto the bed as I felt that the urge to start pushing was growing.
Fortunately, it took only a minute for the nurses to come into the room.
Zach was walking around in circles around the room, driving me crazy.
He was the defenition of stressed and that didn't really help me calm down at all.
One of the nurses quickly took another examination of me.
She looked back up and nodded. "Everything is fine. You can start pushing."
And so I did.
The pain was immense. Never have I ever felt anything like this and never did I want it again.
"Why the hell do people want to get a second one of these." I panted between the pushes.
The nurse chuckled a little. "Don't worry. Soon the baby will be here and you'll understand why."
But right now I didn't, as more pain followed and I had to started pushing again.
Zach kneeled down next to the bed, holding my hand as tight as he could. I could tell he was almost just as nervous as I was.
"Y-you're doing great Audrey." He said with a shaky voice.
I squeezed his hand tight as another heavy contraction followed.
"I can see the head!" A nurse yelled.
Finally! I thought. But it wasn't over yet.
"You can do this.." Zach softly said next to me. I wasn't entirely sure if he was talking to me or to himself as he seemed to be about to pass out.
I pushed again, even harder and more painfull than the last time.
"Almost!" The nurse yelled.
I was sweating like crazy, totally exhausted.
Let this please be over soon..
I screamed while putting all of my strenght into one last push and immediately I felt the relieve.
A babyvoice was crying.
I tried to catch breath as tears were rolling down my cheeks.
They picked the baby up and placed it gently on my chest.
A beautiful girl.
As soon as I saw her I was filled with joy. An undescribable feeling of love.
Yes. Those 9 months were all worth it. Those hours of pain just before the finish line..
Everything just faded away as I was now looking at my gorgeous babygirl.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang