part 23 // plot twist

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During he whole car ride with Zach, it was awfully quiet.
I was looking out of the window just to avoid having to look at him. He was straight staring at the road.
Oh how I enjoyed spending time with him and how I looked forward to have to sleep in his house tonight.
I really wished it was Sarah or Josh or whoever, just someone that wasn't Zach, was there to give me a ride.
But no. Fate was against me today.

Eventually we made it to his house and he parked the car.
To be honest, I expected him to live in a small apartment somewhere in the middle of the city, or at least some sort of small house. But the word house didn't really fit this building with 3 storeys, where he just stopped and turned his car to drive into the garage.
The whole driveway almost deserved to be called a street itself and was surrounded with a beautiful garden on each side of it. The house was white and modern and woth the definition of huge. I estimated my own apartment to fit into it at least more than 10 times.
I dropped my jaw as I admired the stylish and modern decorations in the garden. The cheerful colours of the flowers fit perfectly with the few statues that were spread around. We stopped in front of the house and I got out so he could go park his car into the garage.
This wasn't a house. This was nothing less than a Villa.
I took all my thoughts back about how I didn't want to stay at Zach's place.
For sure I wanted to stay in this house!
(This is not based on facts lol I have no freakin idea how Zach's house looks like Lmaooo)
Zach came back to me. He chuckled a bit when he saw me standing there, with my jaw dropped to the floor.
I grabbed myself together and looked at him. "There is no way that you live here."
He chuckled again and shrugged. "Well you better believe it because it's the truth. I've lived here all my life together with my family."
I looked around once more, to get used to the thought but it was still a lot.
He slightly blushed. "You wanna come in?"
I nodded still speechless. He opened the door and I followed him inside.
The hallway was big.. almost just as big as my bedroom and much prettier as well.
While I was looking around, still not able to close my mouth, Zach continued walked further and opened another door to the living room. I quickly walked after him.
From the moment I got in, I saw a little girl running up to Zach.
"You're back!" She cheered while running into his arm.
Zach laughed and picked her up like she didn't weight nothing at all and he  pulled her over his shoulder after which she playfully screamed out.
"Aaah I missed you Reese!" He laughed and spinned her around.
She laughed loudly. "I missed you too!"
I smiled softly and pulled my arms around my stomach. Maybe he could be like this with our child?
No. No that was stupid to even think that. My smile disappeared.
I had to stop thinking of a future with him.
Then the little girl's eyes met mine and she stopped screaming.
Zach noticed and put her down. He cleaned his throat and looked like he was embarrassed.
I didn't understand why because it was actually very cute what he just did.
"Hello" The girl said.
I smiled again. "Hey."
She hided behind Zach's legs and held onto him tightly.
I smiled at her. "What's your name little one?"
"Reese.." she said shyly. "Are you Zach's girlfriend?"
I dropped my jaw and looked over at Zach who mirrored the same reaction.
"N-no she's not.." he stuttered.
I nodded and forced a little smile.
"Oh well I think you're really pretty." She continued.
I slightly blushed and giggled. "Thank you."
I saw her eyes going down to my stomach and she let go of Zach's leg. I smiled.
"You wanna feel?"
Reese nodded and walked over to me. She put both her hands on my stomach and her eyes lit up.
She was the third person who got to feel my bumb, next to Liv and Gabriela.
I wish I could tell her this child would actually be a part of her family.
She softly rubbed her hands over my belly and I felt the baby kicking as a reaction to her movements.
She gasped which made me giggle softly.
"I felt it!" She looked up at me with the biggest smile.
"Really?.. That probably means it likes you." I smiled back.
She gasped again.
"I like you too." She whispered to my stomach.
I giggled.
Then she looked up again. "Is it going to be a boy or a girl?" She asked.
I shrugged mysteriously. "What do you think?"
"A girl!" She said resolute.
I smiled. "Maybe.. maybe not.. we'll see about that."
"Oh you need to bring her here when she is born!" She continued with the enthusiasm little girls can have.
"Or he.." I giggled.
After a minute or more Zach interrupted us. When I looked up at him I noticed some tears in his eyes.
Was he thinking of the same things as I was?
"That's enough, Reese, maybe you should give her some space." He said softly to the little girl that was still rubbing over my stomach.
She gently pulled her hands back as if my belly was made of glass and she could break it.
"Do you want to play with me?" She asked and pointed at a bunch of barbies, spread all over the floor.
"Maybe later.." Zach answered before I could. "... First I have to show her the guest room."
Reese nodded and flopped back on the floor to continue playing with her dolls.
I followed Zach upstairs and into the guest room, which again was like twice as big as my own room.
I sat down on the bed and looked around. Zach eventually sat down next to me.
I turned my head to look at him. "You never told me you had a sister.."
He raised his shoulders a bit. "Well I do.. and I also have a brother by the way."
I nodded and an awkward silence followed.
"Your sister really loves you, doesn't she." I said in an attempt to start a conversation.
It wasn't like I wanted to talk to him, but sitting in silence for the rest of the evening didn't really spoke to me either.
He smiled a bit and looked at his hands, with which he was fidgeting.
"I like to think so too.." he said. Then he lifted up his head and looked at me. "She likes you too."
I smiled and looked away from him.
We sat there for about a minute. In silence without making any eyecontact.
Suddenly Zach sighed. "I wish we could tell her that she is going to be an aunt.."
I sighed as well. "Me too."
He cleaned his throat and got up. "Let's go downstairs again."
I nodded and got up and together we went back downstairs.
I still couldn't wrap my head around bow big this house actually was and couldn't help staring around.
Zach noticed and chuckled. "Quite a nice place I know.."
I blushed a bit. "Yeah you can absolutely say so."
We went to the kitchen where a woman, I assumed it was his mom, was cooking.
"What's for dinner?" Zach asked and he lifted up the lid of one of the pans.
"Spaghetti." The woman said and slapped his hand away. "Don't do that.."
She turned around an then she saw me.
"O-oh hi.." she said visibly surprised.
"Hi." I awkwardly said while putting out my hand for her to shake it. "I'm Audrey."
She took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Hello Audrey, I am Zach's mom, Myta Herron. Zach didn't tell me he would bring people over tonight. If I knew that, I'd probably make something else than just pasta. Anyway it's nice to meet you." She smiled.
"Nice to meet you too!"
I could see her looking at my bumb and I giggled a bit awkwardly.
She noticed that it made me uncomfortable and scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry.."
"No it's okay." I answered with a little smile.
"For how long?"
I tried my best not to look at Zach and be suspicious. "Almost 8 months now."
She gasped. "Oh I remember when I was 8 months pregnant! It is so heavy!"
I smiled. "It is indeed."
She looked from me to Zach and then back to me again. Her eyes widened as if she realised something.
She looked at Zach again.
"Please don't tell me that it's yours."
"What?! How did you know?" His voice cracked.
"Why else would you bring a pregnant woman into the house and let her meet your mom!" She grabbed the edge of the counter as if she wanted to stop herself from falling on the ground. "Oh dear God."
I stared at the floor. I could feel that tears were filling my eyes.
This was not how I wanted today to be..
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" She let go of the counter and it looked like she was preaching to her son like he just came home with bad grades.
"N-no please.. don't be mad at him. He didn't know either.." I said with a shaky voice.
I tried my very best to hold my tears but at a certain point I just broke. I started crying in the middle of the kitchen.
"I- I am so s-sorry.. I s-should have t-told h-him." I was bawling.
Myta walked up to me and pulled both her arms firmly around me. "It's okay.." She started softly rubbing my back. "It's all okay.. you don't have to apologize. It's okay."
I slowly calmed down.
We stayed in the hug for a few more minutes until I completely stopped crying.
I pulled back and wiped my tears away.
Myta had some trails of tears on her cheeks as well and rubbed them away.
"Well I Guess.. welcome to the family." She smiled. "I can't believe I am actually going to be a grandmother this soon!"
I chuckled a bit. "Yeah I can imagine that."
She looked over her shoulder to the food. "Oh.. I better gotta take care of that before it burns." She giggled.
I nodded and sat down at one of the chairs around the table.
I talked to Myta until dinner was ready. Zach sat down next to me and was listening to us talking while being on his phone.
"Zach? Do you want to set the table?" Myta asked her son while she put the spaghetti on the table.
"Oh I can do that.." I said while pulling myself up with a groan.
"Are you kidding me?" Zach said and jumped up. "You are pregnant! I can handle this."
Myta giggled. "Such a protective boyfriend."
I turned red. "Oh No no no.. you got that wrong. He isn't my boyfriend."
Myta's eyes widened. "Not? Oh I'm sorry."
I shrugged and looked over at Zach who was blushing as well.
Myta followed the both of us with her eyes and smiled softly.
"Alright I am going to get Ryan and Reese." Myta said while walking to the living room.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now