part 26 // plot twist

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1 month passed and I haven't heard from Zach at all... Not even a single message.
I knew I shouldn't have trust him.
He probably regretted proposing to me and felt embarrassed.. Or maybe he just figured out that he didn't love me that much after all.
However it got me overthinking more than ever.
I was almost 9 months pregnant now and due in less than a week.
I couldn't wait to meet my baby but if I had to be completely honest, I was terrified as well.
I've heard terrible stories about babies that got stuck or just wouldn't come, about mothers that have been pushing for hours, in an indescribable amount of pain.
To me, giving birth seemed like true horror.
But it was part of the pregnancy so I had to go through it. There was no going back anyway..

I was laying on the couch, eating an entire bag of ketchup chips and a box of chocolate chip cookies.
I haven't slept more than an hour at once for about 3 days now. Every time I showed slight signals of laying down, the baby woke up and started kicking and rolling around as if it was testing how strong the skin around my stomach really was... It obviously had Zach's genes. That boy couldn't sit still for more than an hour either.
I was slightly falling asleep, finally, when with one kick in my stomach, I was immediately awake again.
I sighed. "You really don't allow me any rest, do you?"
I pushed myself up from the couch and started slowly walking around.
"What about when you're here? Would you let me sleep then?" I rubbed with my hands over my belly.
"You better will.." I mumbled.
I waddled over to the kitchen, hoping my baby would quickly fall asleep again so I could too.
I leaned against the kitchen counter and sighed in fatigue.
"Please, let it soon be over.. I'm so done with being pregnant."
Suddenly I felt a massive pain. I flinched.
"Not this soon!"
But it was too late as I felt my sweatpants become wet and I knew my water has broken.
Could there be a worse timing? Liv was not home and wouldn't be home until in a few hours. She had 2 exams today so calling was pointless as well since she had her phone turned off.
I couldn't call Gabbie either. She went to Hawaii yesterday and would only be back in a week.
We never even thought about the fact that the baby might come before the duedate.
But it was coming right now! And there was no one here to help me!
Except for maybe.. I took my phone and searched for his number.
Strange.. I didn't have him saved in my contacts anymore..
But then I remembered it.
The evening after we came back from camp, I deleted Zach on all my social media platforms.
No wonder why he hasn't called me. I just forgot to deblock him!
There was no time for guilty feelings as I felt a contraction coming up.
I had to go to the hospital, the sooner the better.
I deblocked his number and called him instantly.
"Pick up, pick up, pick uppp.."
I waited impatiently while I listened to my phone beeping in a certain rhythm.
Another contraction kicked in and I couldn't help but shrink.
Then I heard a soft and calm voice on the other side of the call.
He picked up!
I could jump if I wasn't in so much pain right now.
"Zach! You need to come over. Now!" "Hey Audrey, is that you? What's wrong?"
I flinched from pain. "The baby Zach!"
I could hear him gasp. "Oh shit. I'm on my way."
I heard that he started walking around and doing stuff from the back ground noises in my ear.
"Hurry!" I yelled and then I hung up.
I laid myself down on the ground and curled up into a ball, hugging my baby bumb.
"Don't worry little one... Your dad will be here soon." I whispered, although I was pretty sure that I was the one that needed to be comforted.
I groaned under the pain.
Soon this will be over I said to myself And I will be holding my baby.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now