part 20 // plot twist

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Time flies whether you're having fun or not. It's been another month.
I was now loose over 7 months pregnant. Almost 8.
To be honest I couldn't imagine that my belly would grow even more as it seemed to be about to explode already.
It was impossible to hide it now. I looked like I was about to give birth every second.
Thank God, I haven't seen Zach in all this time. Not even a glance or a single message.
And I was happy!
I guess..
Most days I didn't even know how I felt. Numb for one second, then an emotional mess the other.
But I blamed it on the pregnancy when someone asked about my eye bags or melted makeup. Tho I knew it was only partly true.
It for sure was one of the causes, but Zach was the other.
At night he was creeping around in my thoughts, during days I had mental breakdowns just by the memories of him.
Couldn't I just let it go?


A kick in my stomach woke me up from a restless night of sleep.
It was 5 am in the morning and my birth day. Today I turned 18.
When I was younger I always imagined my 18th birthday to be huge, with a big party, plenty of friends coming over and lots of food.
But no.. all those plans got wiped out by the baby that kept growing in my stomach.
I was hardly even able to do basic things like cleaning the apartment, left alone that I could go decorate it and dance all day.
My back hurted by only the thought of it.
An in addition to that, none of my friends knew about my pregnancy, except for Liv, Simon, Gabbie and the people working at the restaurant.
Basically the only people I ever saw..
It's odd how people from who you once thought that were your friends, could just disappear from your life as soon as shit got real.
I stepped out of bed with a groan. I was in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt and not really about to get dressed up.
I looked into the mirror. People always say that pregnant woman often are glowing.. I couldn't see how.
My hair was a mess, just like my face. My eyebags were dark and the rest of my face awfully white.
A bit more than 1 month and then it would be over and I'd be holding my baby.
I smiled a bit.
My baby..
I pulled my arms over my belly and softly rubbed if. Immediately I could feel a feet softly kicking back against my hand.
I smiled again.
At least I would have this child.. a little bit of happiness in my life.
I took brush and went through the oily strands of hair on top of my head, attempting to calm them down.
Not that it would make me look any better. I still looked like a walking mess.
Eventually I gave up. Why would I even try? It's not that anyone would see me today except for Liv and maybe Gabbie.
They have seen me worse than this.
I went to the kitchen and seached for a can of pineapples and caffeine.
Then I flopped down on the couch, not planning on getting up until I had to go back to bed again.
This was my life these days. Sad but true. Even on my birthday.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now