part 21 // plot twist

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I was laying on the couch, eating pineapple rings and living my best birthday possible, when Liv came in.
"Hello to my favourite future-mother-being in the world!" She cheerfully said while trying to close the door with her foot because she had her hands full with a box in one hand and her schoolbag in the other.
I giggled. "Hey Liv."
She walked over to me and put the box on the coffee table. "For you."
She was smiling wide.
The box was decorated with a cute paper. I put my 3rd can of pineapple away to take another look at it.
"Aww Livvvv you didn't have to do this."
"Well I did it anyway.. now hurry up and open it already." She flopped next to me on the couch.
I giggled and ripped off the pretty wrapping paper. Liv was staring at me with an excited smile on her face.
"Aww Liv.. this is so cute." I said and held up a white Polaroid camera.
"You like it?" She smiled.
"Like? I love it!" I put the camera down and pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you." I whisperd, still hugging her.
After a while we pulled away and Liv joined me on the couch. We continued watching tv.

An hour later, and 5 more cans with pineapple rings, the bell rang.
"No don't move your fat pregnant ass.. I'll get it." Liv said as soon as I even showed a single sign of getting up.
"Hey I am not fat!" I giggled.
"No no.." she giggled and walked to the door to open it.
"Hey baby." I heard Simons voice say from the hallway.
"Simon!" Liv sounded surprised. "A-and you guys.."
My eyes widened. More people?
Simon walked into the room, along with the rest of my camp friends.. including Zach.
They all froze and stared at me as soon as they noticed my babybumb.
"H-hey.." was the only thing I could bring out.
Liv pulled Simon to the kitchen.. not that it made any difference, we could all still hear them.
"Why did you bring them here?" Livs sharp voice filled the room. I awkwardly looked down at the floor and pulled my arms over my belly.
"I thought they knew.."
"Well they do now!"
Collin cleaned his throat. I just sat there waiting for someone to say something.
Finally Sarah started talking.
"Happy birthday Audrey." She stepped forward and put a present on the coffee table. Then she continued. "If I knew you were pregnant I would have gave you something else like baby clothes or something but anyway.. I hope you will enjoy your gift anyway."
I forced a smile. "Thank you."
Everyone else gave me their gifts as well and another awkward silence followed.
"For how long..?" Sarah eventually asked.
"6-7 months.." I lied. Maybe if I told the truth they'd realise that it could be Zach's.
"Really? You seem like you're about to pop!" Sarah said surprised. "Who is the father?"
By that time Liv and Simon came back to join the group.
"That's not important Sarah.. the point is something happened and she's trying get over it so just leave that subject. It's a bit touchy." Liv picked it up for me.
I looked over at Zach, only a glance, but in the blink of an eye I could see that he knew.
Damn it..
"Oh okay then.." Sarah answered.
"We actually wanted to surprise you with a game of bowling.. you know, just like during summer. But it's okay if you don't want that now." Josh said as soon as Sarah was done talking.
Despite anything I smiled a bit.
"Oh no we'll absolutely do that. It would be harsh from me to tell you to leave now while y'all drove all the way here."
I looked at Zach again. He was awkwardly staring at his feet and fidgeting with his hands.
"You sure? I mean can you even carry a bowlingball?" Collin chuckled.
I giggled. "I am pregnant. I don't have rheumatism."
I got op from the couch with a groan. I put my hands on my back and to be honest, I really did look like an old, rheumatic Lady.
"I think I am going to change first.. act like you're home or whatever."
I walked over to my room and flopped on the bed.
Okay then.. Zach is now in my house. He knows about my pregnancy. I will go bowling with him and the rest of my friends while I am almost 8 months pregnant!
But what else could I do? They've travelled all the way to LA just to celebrate my birthday. For example, Josh had to drive more than 6 hours to be here. I couldn't just send them back home, right?
I felt trapped. There was no way to escape this. It was too late already.
I gathered all my strength and got up.
He knows but that doesn't mean I have to talk to him.
I searched through my closet and sighed. The only pregnancy clothes I had, were sloppy and comfy just like what I was wearing now. And I didn't want to look like a bloated vagrant. At least not on my birthday.
I put on my cutest pair of sweatpants and a new t-shirt. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I still looked like I got just out of bed like this.
But I had no other choice as my normal clothes just didn't fit anymore.
At this point I wish I went pregnancy shopping with Liv as she advised me to do..
I tried for a bit to fix my hair and face but after 10 minutes I gave up and went back to my friends.
"Well.. It doesn't get better than this.. Im sorry guys."
Liv got up from the couch as soon as she saw me coming in.
"Shut up, you look great."
"Prettiest pregnant woman ever!" Sarah yelled.
I giggled. "For real.."
"Are you sure you want to do this tho?" Josh asked, worried as ever.
I nodded. "I ain't going to send y'all home just like that only bcs Im a bit pregnant."
Sarah jumped up. "Well let's go then.."
I giggled and followed everyone to the cars.
I got into Livs car along with Simon and Liv herself.
I sat in the backseat. I laid my legs all over the backseat and my head against the window while Liv started the car.
"Are you alright Audrey?" Simon turned his head my way.
I nodded and placed my hand on my forehead. "I should've told them..."
"Yeah maybe you should but you had your reasons. It's going to be okay, I promisr." Liv said.
"It's such a mess.."
Simon sighed. "I'm so sorry.. I didn't know that you hadn't told them yet."
"Baby it's not your fault." Liv took his hand and rubbed over it with her thumb.
Simon sighed again and turned his head back to me. "Is Zach-..."
I nodded and put my hands over my stomach. "Yupp.. it was a big mistake."
"I'm so sorry Audrey.."
"It's okay.."
I blankly stared out of the window. For the rest of the car drive we stayed quiet.

Liv parked the car in front of the building. I got out, followed by Liv and Simon. The other people were waiting in front of the door already.
Sarah was loudly laughing about something Collin said. Zach was just straight looking at the floor.
When they saw us coming, Collin motioned us to come and we followed them to the bowling alley.
There we started the game.
It reminded me of 8 months ago.
After the game of bowling, halfway the week of camp I realised that I was starting to catch feelings for Zach.
Now I wish I never had.
I avoided eye contact with him and every time he looked my way I turned my head.
I never could imagine that after so long, being in his presents could still hurt me like hell. If I would look him in the eyes right now I'd probably be most likely to sink down into another breakdown.
After a while it was my turn.
I walked up to the alley with a bowlingball in my hands. I've never seen a pregnant woman bowling, but it probably looked stupid.
I threw the bowlingball with all the strength I had left in my body.
Almost a strike, there were 2 cones left.
I smiled and turned around..
To look straight into Zachs face. My face turned red and I looked at the groud.
I kept facing the floor when I walked back to the group.
"I am gonna get something to drink.." Zach suddenly said. "Suggestions?"
"I'll just take a cocktail." Sarah said and everyone else got along.
I just stayed quiet.
"Audrey?" Josh asked.
"Oh uhm.. I don't know." I chuckled. "I obviously can't have alcohol."
"Well you can just come with me and choose yourself." And without giving me a chance to say no, Zach grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the direction of the bar. As soon as no one else could heard it, he let go of my hand and looked straight into my eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?!"
I shrugged. "Why didn't you tell me I was only just a bet?"
Zach looked away with pain in his eyes. "I already told you I am sorry."
I sighed and rubbed over my forehead to try and calm down the headache that was coming up. "Okay.. I am sorry too. It was a mistake to not tell you guys."
An awkwardly silence fell.
"L-let's just get those drinks.."
He nodded and we walked to the bar. I just ordered a glass of orange juice.
While we were waiting for the barista to finish making the cocktails, Zach turned to me again and stuttered. "I-it's mine.. r-right?"
I sighed and nodded. "Yeah.. I guess you figured that out already."
"Pretty much yes.."
Zach looked at the floor and sighed. "Damn.."
I shrugged slightly.
It was quiet while we watched our drink being made.
Suddenly Zach turned back to me. "Were you ever going to tell?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.
I swiftly looked away. "I don't know..." Zach nodded in the corner of my eye and and I looked in front of me.
The barista put the drinks on a plate. I wanted to take it but Zach was faster.
"No.. let me take care of that."
He took the plate and started walking back to our friends.
I rolled my eyes and tried to hide a smile. Cheesy as ever.
I got back to my friends and we continued playing the game.
My back was hurting a bit and I had a light headache.
I was feeling Zach's eyes piecing in my back all the time, making me uncomfortable.
I avoided conversations with him for the rest of the evening and hoped it would be over soon.
Little did I know it was only the beginning of a very long night..

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now