Chapter 12

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The evening fell and It was slightly getting dark. The air was filled with the smell of campfire, smores and good vibes.
We all tried to forget that this was the last evening here. We just enjoyed each others company and the comforting warmth of the campfire.
I sat there, next to Zach, wearing his hoodie. I pulled it over my knees to protect myself from the mosquitos. Zach handed me a smore and while I was eating it, he pulled a guitar from behind him.
I didn't even noticed he brought it with him. He placed it on his leg and looked around the circle.
Campfire evening is about the only evening where all the groups are sitting together, just like karaoke night.
Zach started strumming some chords on his guitar. He looked around to see if someone had suggestions for a song to play but apparently not.
I started singing as I recognized the chords of "Take me home, country road" by John Denver.
I smiled wide as the whole group started to join me. Liv, who sat next to me, started tapping on the ground in the beat of the music. The smile on my face grew even wider.
I closed my eyes and listened to our voices. Moments like this..
I opened my eyes again and pierced a new marshmallow on a stick. Around me they were still singing one song after another.
I looked over at Zach. He had the largest smile on his face now he was making music. This was what he loved doing.. This was his weak point, his sensible side, his passion.
He giggled a bit in the song when he noticed me staring at him which made me giggle as well.

After a while, when it was completely dark already, he finished the last song and put his guitar back behind him.
Then he took my hand and squeezed it softly.
I started to think that he wanted to make me blush on purpose. It just happened so easily. With a simple smile or the feeling of his hand in mine, he got my cheeks burning red.
He leaned closer to my ear and whispered: "You wanna sneak away?" I smiled and nodded my head. Then I looked over at Liv, next to me to see if she would notice if I'd stand up and walk away with Zach.
But she was too busy in a conversation with Josh and Simon that she didn't pay attention to the two of us at all.
I quietly stood up and so did Zach. He took his guitar with him as we started walking towards the forest.
It was dark so I turned on the flashlight of my phone. Zach still held my other hand. I didn't even wonder why anymore.
We arrived at an open place where the moon and all the stars were shining bright above our heads. I looked at them for a while before I sat down on the ground.
"This is so beautiful.." I sighed.
Zach mumbled an answer that sounded as "it indeed is."
I looked at him again. He sat with his legs crossed on the with leaves covered soil.
He had his guitar on his lap and started to pluck a bit on the strings.
I smiled. "Are you really going to be this cliché and sing a song for me?"
He stopped plucking and giggled an adorable giggle.
"Well apparently not if you don't want me to."
I smiled wide and playfully rolled my eyes. "Alright go ahead."
He smiled right back at me and his cheeks got a slight red color as he sang his first notes.
I recognized the song immediately. "Wise man say.."
I smiled as I joined him singing after a while. Usually I am not the best at remembering lyrics but this song had always been my favourite of all times.
" 'Cause I can't help falling in love with you.." I sighed as I spoke out the words.
It was true.. I couldn't help falling in love with him. It didn't matter how hard I tried to push away my feelings.. It didn't matter how hard I hard I tried to hate him.. I still loved him. I did 5 years ago when I first met him and I still do now, sitting in front of him in the forest while his angelic voice sang the words of my favourite song.
Slowly, I started crawling to him without one of us that stopped singing.
As we both spoke out the last words of the song I felt his warm breath on my cheeks. Our faces were just inches away from each other. He smiled and so did I when he softly wiped a piece of hair out of my face.
Then I took the step and pushed my lips on his. I felt him still smiling. But I was too nervous to smile too. Why didn't he just kiss back?
When we went swimming it all went so easy..
But then he finally kissed back. He gently opened my lips with his tongue and let it slip inside. I froze for a second but when his tongue touched mine I kisses back with the same passion.
I had no idea how much time passed while we were sitting there, making out but it felt like no time passed at all. Like the world stopped turning.
It were the same soft lips on mine as the first time we made out during our midnight swim session, but the kiss was different.
It was softer.. but not less intense.
He tried to pull me on his lap but forgot that the guitar was still there.
I giggled and let go of the kiss. He smiled. His cheeks were almost perfectly red. He looked so cute in the light of the stars.
As soon as he took his guitar and placed it next to him, he kissed me again. I was sitting on his lap now with my arms wrapped around his neck.
His hands slowly traveled down to my waist.
He kissed deeper within every second. Again I had no idea either we were sitting there for 10 seconds or 10 minutes. Maybe an hour.
He flipped us over gently so he was on top. None of us broke the kiss for the next, what seemed to be an hour but at the same time just 1 second.
Then he pulled back. Not because this make out session was over, only to take off his shirt.
My eyes widened as he did. It was like I saw him for the first time like this, which obviously wasn't since we already spent so much time at the lake together with only our swimsuits to cover our body.
He crawled back on top of me. I pulled my legs around his waist.
I didn't want to show him that I was nervous but deep inside I was.
He leaned in to kiss me again, breathing heavily as if he was drowning and my kiss was the only thing that could make him survive.
I put my hands on his, now naked chest and kissed him roughly back. Eventually we pulled back again.
This time I was the one taking off my shirt.
Zach had been pulling a bit on the hem of my croptop. Now he was staring at me with his jaw opened a little. I giggled.
He kissed me again, even rougher this time.
"You're so tight babygirl." He whispered when his kisses went down to my neck, putting his hands on my hips and sending shivers through my entire body.
I blushed.
His hands went further down and they slowly took off my pants.
I was kissing him again already by that time.
He pulled his hands back to his own pants and before I knew it, it was off as well. I pulled my arms off his body without breaking the kiss and slowly I took off my bra.
I was breathing heavy. Because of the kiss but mostly because I was nervous.
He noticed it and looked me in my eyes. "Are you sure you want this?"
His breathing was fast as well. His voice was low and turned me on, more than any kiss could.
I slowly nodded.
Yes, I wanted this. I wanted to be loved by him. I just wanted him.
"More than anything."
"Okay.." he mumbled and he leaned in again to let his lips travel over my neck and chest, leaving a few hickeys as well.
Soon those same lips let out a soft moan as he pushed himself inside of me and a huge amount of pleasure filled my body.
Damn.. Sarah didn't lie when she told me he was good.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now